Chapter 55:

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A/N: hey guys so we were so close to 4.7K when i last updated aka wednesday now we are close to 5K that makes me so happy thank you guys so much im probably not updating this weekend if i do it wont be until Sunday because it's my birthday weekend because my birthday is thursday so if you would want to tweet me happy birthday then please tweet me at @inlovebiebs1d or @itsHoransHood okay(: anyways enjoy this chapter ps sorry i didnt update Saturday i babysat from 7 until 5 am and Sunday i wasnt home.

Let’s recap on the last couple of days Justin went on vacation to Miami, he was arrested which all his personal information was released everywhere on every news channel, station, every radio, every magazine, website, you name it he was on it front cover and all. Justin told me he would stay out of trouble and he would try to break his bad habits. I don't really know whether I should say he tried or not because I honestly don't know.  A vacation I use the word vacation very loosely but he was with a girl but not just any girl a model…a model but let’s get this straight he told me less than two months ago he loved me and I was it I was his girl…not just his girl but his dream girl. Why do I care exactly I have no clue.

But that was days ago as of now Niall is currently in Japan with the other boys of course. While I'm currently last minute studying or well cramming last minute studying time due to the fact that on our last days together with the group we went out to dinners, walked on the beach, and partied so studying was the last thing on my mind even though after these finals I'm done with this semester and only have one semester left.

Sitting in these hallways outside of my anatomy and physiology II class waiting to take this test with my headphones in listening to music my phone started ringing and made me jump. The girl next to me doing the same thing as me I assume looks at me and I point to my phone and she nods. It was Niall trying to facetime me I answered it, got up walked into the bathroom, and then said “Jesus! Niall you almost gave me a heart attack” he laughed and said “What are you wearing? What are you doing?” I replied “I'm wearing your sweatshirt and my hair is in a messy bun. I'm also last minute studying I have a test in less than an hour” he asked “what class?” I said “Anatomy and Physiology II. The one you were supposed to help me study for” his eyes widened and he replied “I'm sorry. I’ll let you go. Good luck, love you” I replied “it’s fine. Thanks I will need it love you too”.

I went back to studying this dreadful book. The next thing I knew was the teacher arrived and I was nervous the anxiety was kicking in but I knew a lot that was on this test I finished and left to go back to the flat. I called Niall he didn’t pick up so I assumed he was on the plane back home I left a message saying “Ni, the test wasn’t that bad uh you're probably on the flight back home love you.” Kaylea was at the flat she asked “so how did you do?” I replied “I think I did fine. It wasn’t all that bad” she replied “ah do you wish you studied more though?” I said “yeah of course but I don't think I missed more than 4 which isn’t all that bad.” I asked “when do you find out what the little one is?” she replied “tomorrow after Harry gets home” I replied “and who are you guys calling first?” she rolled her eyes and said “you guys will know after we tell our parents but Niall and you will know right after that”

I replied “So have you guys told anyone outside of the group and your families?” she said “no, we haven’t told anyone but you guys.” I asked “when and how are you going to tell everyone?” She said “well soon of course I'm already showing a lot. I honestly don't know how we are telling everyone I guess we will wing it.” I laughed and said “wing it?” she replied “yes wing it” I said “with telling a whole bunch of people that you're pregnant you are going to wing it. Well okay then” she said “enough about my pregnant problems. When are you meeting with Justin and Alfredo?” I replied “I don't know probably soon though I mean I said when I was back in town and I'm pretty sure everyone knows I'm back between me tweeting that I was back and that paparazzi is on my every move here” she asked “are you going to call or do you think one of them will?” I replied “I honestly don't know probably them because they're busy and have pretty busy schedules."

she replied “do you know exactly what you're going to say to him?” I replied “no but then again with Justin you never know” she nodded and asked “are you going to bring up that he was arrested? Or that model?” I rolled my eyes and said “I want to say I won’t but I know I will especially the model part because that just pissed me off but I'm more pissed because he got arrested” she replied “yeah but remember the whole world is judging the poor kid and now the love of his life is” I asked “are you sticking up for Mr. Bieber?” she laughed and said “I don't hate him I kinda like him I mean he’s done wrong but then again who hasn’t?” I said “it’s the hormones isn’t it?” we laughed.

she replied “no, it just made me realize with his arresting how many people are really out to get him” I nodded and said “yeah, I feel bad for him but I just it’s confusing and aggravating well maybe he just is but who knows” she said “yeah are you going to text Fredo or something?” I replied “yeah, I'm pretty sure Justin is in Canada though keeping a low profile” she replied “well I guess you're taking a trip to Canada soon” I laughed and said “I’ll think about it but if anything I will wait until he gets back to LA”

I texted Fredo about the meeting he replied ‘Justin is in Canada but I'm at his house with Tuts’ I replied ‘haha with Tuts. Okay I’m back so we can talk and then I will meet up with him whenever he gets back or I will call him later’ he replied ‘well I'm here whenever so just let me know. Oh and bring this Mr. Niall by so I can meet him’ I laughed and told Kaylea what he said she said “oh dear god” I replied to Alfredo and said ‘yeah of course Niall doesn’t get home until early tomorrow morning but maybe tomorrow night we will take you to dinner’ he replied ‘sure but I'm paying for myself’ I replied ‘of course you are’.

a/n: nevermind about being close to 5K i just checked it and i have 5K reads yay thank you so much(:

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