Chapter 26:

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~~~~~A/N sorry I have been busy but I'm going to be skipping ahead a couple of days and I have been having really bad writers block and I already have some stuff planned out I just don't know how to write it but that’s it for my little ramble lol thanks for reading guys(:~~~~~

*The 9th Kaylea& Harry’s wedding*

Kaylea and Harry are getting married today I can’t believe they finally decided to get married but the ceremony was gorgeous, the weather was amazing, her dress was gorgeous and fit her so well, and the way they looked at each other they obliviously meant every word they said. Kaylea and Harry decided to put their honeymoon on hold to the private island because the Grammys are tomorrow. The day went by fast between getting up to get ready for the wedding, the ceremony, the reception, and coming home at midnight and going straight to sleep. *the 10th Grammys* Today was the day of the Grammys I was excited and nervous the boys decided to take us girls even though they weren’t nominated they were specifically told to come. I knew one thing was that Justin was most likely invited too. I haven’t seen him since Liam & Abby’s wedding and I really don't want to see him. If anything i dreaded it. Niall & I are meeting the rest of the crew at Harry& Kaylea’s house to get ready. It was around noon. Niall and I got dressed in jeans and a shirt we drove to Kaylea& Harry’s house where we met the rest of the group the girls and I went to the makeup room while the boys went to hair and wardrobe. It’s weird you think I would be used to sitting in these chairs for so long but actually I rather do it myself. Once the girls and I were done we traded spots with the boys they went to get last minute looks because between us all the Grammys start at 6 and its almost 4:30 they curled all of the girl’s and my hair. We had dresses that matched the guy’s suits. On the way to the Grammys Niall and I decided to take selfies on our phones I thought they were adorable. The closer we got the more nervous I got. We finally pulled up to the carpet and we got out the boys took pictures together as us girls stood of to the side, the next was all of us, the last couple of pictures were of each individual couple the rest of the girls decided to go in and sit down but Niall told me that the photographers want to take pictures of me and I waited the boys were on the other side of the carpet from where I was and I looked to my left and Justin was taking pictures there. I smiled for the cameras until I heard someone say my name. It was Justin. He asked “Elisha, can we talk?” I said “I think we did enough of that at the wedding” he said “let me explain please” I said “no I have to go” he said “I still have your number I will call you” I mumbled “it’s not like I'm going to answer” I walked by into the building to meet Niall and the rest of the boys and the girls. We cheered and sang along to the performers. We would all occasionally notice a camera aiming towards us all so we would all smile and wave towards the camera. We got done once Niall and I got home I removed my makeup put my hair up and changed into sweatpants and a shirt. By the time I was done Niall was sleeping in the bed. I heard my phone buzz over his snores I went and looked at it my phone lit up and said “Text Message: JUSTIN BIEBER” I sighed and left it I didn’t open it. I went and snuggled myself near Niall who wrapped his arms around me.

Never Let You Go- Justin Bieber/ Niall Horan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now