Chapter 16- The Questions

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Chapter 16- The Questions


A steaming hot choco was place in front of me, its steam dancing together like fucktards! I clutch the blanket that surround my shivering figure tighter. Distant voices could be heard all around me but I did not bother listening to it, all I could think about were heads.

Fucking heads! How could they be so heartless? Like doing those stuff was on regular basis! Another shiver rack through my body and blue eyes quickly darts towards me. Her hair was in a neat bun and her face was bare with any make up, well considering that its three in the morning.

"Are you alright, dear?" Her voice was so sweet and soft that I was afraid to talk and feel insecure. I'm pretty sure my voice sounds like a man when I'm talking to her. Her blue eyes were full of worry and a small pout was evident on her face. "You should drink the hot choco for the shivering to subside, dear." God! Can she get any more innocent.

"Mrs. Orsini, I-" But she cut me.

"Stop with the Mrs. Orsini shit dear! It's mom to you!'' I almost choke on my own spit. Mom? Was this woman crazy? I guess I know where Nikola got his craziness from. I shyly look up and could see that excitement was clearly written all over her face.

"Mom?" Repeat slowly and give her a questioning look. I mean who wouldn't? I grab the hot choco on the table and sip a good portion of steaming melted chocolate. Ahh! God damn, this shit is great!

"Yes, its MOM dear! Since you and Nikola are getting married and giving me the grandchi-" Now it was my turn to cut her off. Well my cutting off was different. The once hot choco in mouth is not the hot choco that was on the floor. I felt embarrassed for spitting hot choco in front of Nikola's mom.

"W- what?" I ask, confusion was clear on my voice. Married? Children? Isn't she getting ahead of herself? I'm not even in love with her son, I don't even know if I want to see his face again! Not after what he did! The heads were now replaying on my mind again. Oh god!

"Yes, dear. You and Nikola are going to get married a year from now and grandchildren will be next!" She squeals, not caring the chocolate was marring her beautiful white carpet. After the 'hunt'- cue in shudder- Nikola carried me home and I did not make it easy for him. I thrash and scream with all my might but Nikola was just too strong for me so in the end I stop my antics, which Nikola was happy about. As we arrived his mansion, this crazy lady sitting in front of me was outside the front door looking all worried and shit and told Nikola to place me on the living room. Well shit just real when the three of Nikolas men emerge from the trees and were holding-

Heads. It was their prizes and they gladly present it to Nikola, cue in vomiting, they're faces, the bodiless heads were of pure terror and fear, their eyes were wide and their mouth hanging open. I cried and that snap Nikola from his whatever fuck daze he was in and he snap at them for being stupid.

And here I am now, traumatize from seeing that gruesome thing.

"What!" I stand up from my seat, my head starts to spin. Even though Doctor Houston treated it and stitched it up again, it still made me dizzy at some point. "I cant and will not marry Nikola and there will be no babies at all!" She was about to say something but I quickly cut her off. "I can't stand to see his face, not when he- he did what he did! He's a monster and I will not be with a monster!" I said the last part icily that I could see fear creep into Mrs. Orsini's eyes.

"You must understand him. He did it for you. Because he loves you!" She tries to reason out, but I was strong with my decision. I will kill myself before Nikola and I will be a thing.

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