Chapter 1- Welcome to Paradise

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Chapter 1- Welcome to Paradise

"Ivory! Please help me bring down YOUR bags." Mom emphasized the word YOUR so that she could guilt into helping her bring my very heavy bags down the stairs.

"This would have never happen if you didn't bring the whole 'why don't you move in with your father for a year so I could make sweet loud love with my new husband'." I roll my eyes at her and grab a much more lighter bag and hop down the stairs.

A light blush tainted my mothers pale cheeks. "I did not say that," She stammer.

"Yeah, and I don't have a vagina." I run back upstairs and grab another bag.

You may see me being disrepectful to my mother, but that's how we roll. We're more like bestfriends then mother and daughter, I could cuss all I want and she'd never bat an eye.

Bryce, my mothers new husband, came out from the kitchen. When he saw his new wife struggling with my bags he throw a scowl at me. On the other hand this jack ass don't like me one bit and the feelings are very mutual.

I don't why but maybe it because he isn't my real dad or maybe he's just a complete dick and my mom is too love blind to see it. I'd rather prefer her dating my English teacher who was totally into her and may I say very good looking, but no. She's had to go with this dick wad.

"Cynthia, you shouldn't be the one carrying all Ivory's luggage." Bryce chastise my mother. "Ivory is a big girl and-" My mom cut him off.

"Quite Bryce, now be a darling and help us with the luggage." He was about to protest when mom gave him the look.

Ah, the look. I could totally read it. It was the 'Do it or you are not getting it tonight'. And clearly he complied.

Men and their damn hormones.

"Are you excited to finally stay with your dad for a year?" Mom asks. You see, my dad was a bit- how should I put... I would have said bat shit crazy, but then he's my dad so I'll stick with nuts. When I was five, he was convince that vampires really do exists and he wanted us to join him to his journey to unviel the secret coven of the vampires, of my mom being the only sane person at that time refused to go with him and then one thing lead to another. BAM! Divorce was going on and next thing I knew I was under the custody of my mother.

"Yes, him and I could go hunting for vampires!" I sarcastically replied. It's not that I hated my father, it's just he make's the worst decisions ever. One time I called him and asked if he would like to meet up and you know what he said, "Can't, vampires are trailing my ass." and he hung up on me.

So to say that my relationship with my father is great would be an understatement.

"Honey, please understand your father." She grabs my last luggage and together we went down the stairs and to the car where all my shit was. "Give him time."

"Whatever." I mumble under my breath. I felt my phone vibrate on my pocket.

Hey bitch! Me and Kyle are coming over, so don't you dare go yet!


"Hey mom, can we like wait for a few minutes before we go, Lily and Kyle are coming over." I place my phone back on my pocket and lean on my mothers red honda civic.

"Sure." She close the cars trunk and went inside the passenger seat.

"Ivory." Bryce sneers my name.

"Jack ass." I spat back. See? He's a dick was and my mother is too blind to see!

"I'm so glad that you're finally going to spend some time with youre father." He smiles at me. Does he really take me to be a dumb bitch? It was clear what he said to me 'I'm so glad youre finally out of our lives!' Well not for long dick.

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