Chapter 27- The Plot Twist

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Chapter 27- The Plot Twist

Its been so long since I last updated! I almost forgot about this story XD I miss all you! Did you miss me guys?

Anyway, finally the bitch has taken down my story on her profile! After countless  battles with her, she finally cave and raise the white flag! Ha! And guys I want to thank you for helping me out and defending me, it really touched me! Thanks so much! This chapter goes out to all of you, each and everyone of you deserves it for patiently waiting for an update and for constantly being with me through the war.  I hope it doesn't suck :/ Its been long since I last wrote a chapter.

Enjoy <3

Its been two days since Nikola told me he love me. I'm flattered and all, but he can't just say that and leave me. Since the day of his confession he never contacted me. I don't know maybe he was embarrassed that he finally told me his feelings- which by the way was very obvious in the beginning-  and wanted to die and crawl under the earth. 

I'm so furious at him. I can't think straight, it's like everyday my body is floating. I get a feeling that if I die, I die as a happy person. And its all because he told me he love me.

Fuck you Nikola! For giving me these confusing feelings thats boiling inside me! For leaving me and not explaining and comforting me because I feel so weird. Never in my life have I felt this way and it scares me to think that I love him too.

Ha! I? Love him? No insane person falls for their kidnappers. Right?

My eyes zero in on an head full of blonde locks.

Cassie. That bitch! I slam my locker shut and start to walk away from the crowded hallway.

First period was about to start and I want to have a little chat with Ms. PomPom. Nah, a little chit chat wouldn't calm down my nerves.

I want to strangle that thin neck of hers! No! Strangling her wouldn't satisfy my rage right now, killing would! Cassie hasn't shown her face since my birthday and I knew why.

I  can't believe that sneaky bitch did that to me! I think I can never look at Chris and his friends the same way again! Not if every time I see them I turn into a tomato!

"Hey, Cassie!" I holler at her. She whips her head side to side and when her eyes lands on my enrage face, her entire being froze and turn a deathly pale.

Yeah, be afraid bitch!

I was about to walk towards her when she started running away from me.

"Hey!" I scream at her and without thinking I started to run towards her, I could she was shoving people. Damn that girl could make shoving look kind and innocent. It was like people were okay with her shoving them. While I on the other hand were getting a handle full of;

"Watch it bitch!"

"What the fuck!"

"Oi no running!"

"Wanna get cut bitch?"

I was gaining on her and she was frantically throwing people at me, it was like I was holding a machete and out to kill her. Amazingly I dodge all the people she thrown at my way.

I grab the handle of her duffle bag and pull her to stop running. A shriek came out from her lips.

Huffing and puffing, she turns to look at me and horror was written all over her face.

"Hello, Cassie." I grin evilly at her.

She smooth her shirt and skirt. "Hey, Ivory! Long time no see!" She greets me, her voice high pitch. It squeak like a mouse. Looking at her non existent watch she pouts at me. "Well would you look at the time, first period is about to-" But she couldn't finish her sentence for I pinch her stomach hard.

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