Chapter 22- Bang. Bang. You Stole My Heart

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Chapter 22- Bang. Bang. You Stole My Heart

The cold air nip my face as my hair dance with the wind. My hands were clutch together, so I could keep myself warm. Looking up I could see the stars twinkling, the dark sky reminding me of a certain dark wolf who stalked me in my stay in Paradise.

I wonder how he is doing. Is he alright? Is he looking for me?

Probably not. My snarky side snorts at my question. I felt a heavy weight on my heary when I think of Nikola

not caring for me. I mean I am he's mate so he would certainly look for me.


Another cold wind was flung at my already quevering body, making me shiver to the point that I think this might be the cause of my death.

It seems like the weather matches my mood. Cold, detached and dark. If I experience this mood everyday because of Nikola, then I know that will go insane. I cant have him always stuck to my side so I could have my cheery as fuck mood.

What the fuck are we doing here anyway? Outside his warm cabin, when there is a fucking fireplace that heats my dying cold body in the cabin. Can't Canter invite his cousin in his cabin?

"You okay, Darling?" Canter glance at me, eyes shining with worry and fear. What does this fucking idiot think? That I'm shaking like a leaf because my body is warm. I dont even know why I dated this fucking idiot.

"Oh, I'm doing fine. Just freezing my ass off in here you know. Same old." I snap at him.

Currently Canter and I are standing in Canter's porch, waiting for the mysterious cousin to appear. After Kyle interupted our mini drama inside and Canter showing fear. Canter frantically told Kyle to assemble his so called "troops" and to guard the perimeter of his cabin and that we two were going to greet his dear cousin outside.

"I'm sorry, Darling. Here, let me keep cold while waiting for my asshole of a cousin." He grumbles the last sentence. Moving closer to me he casually flings his arm back and drap it all over my shoulder. Pulling my body towards him heat quickly seeps through my cold and almost dead body.

Suddenly I felt a faint burn in my neck. Faint but still hurts like a mother fucker.

"Canter. Get your arm off my shoulder before I rip it and use it as a beating tool." Just the thought of someone holding other than Nikola disgust me. Makes me want to puke or maybe kill the said person.

He frowns at me. "But you were shivering and looked like you were about to die. I cant let my beautiful Luna die." He tugs me closer to him, making the faint burn in my neck intensify.

I let out a small shriek. I quickly pull away from him and the burn quickly subsides. I thought Nikola's mark was gone.

"I said dont touch me! My neck burns when ever someone touches me!" I scream at Canter. "And for your information, I am not your Luna!"

"Fucking hell! Why isnt your mark gone yet?" He looks angrily at my neck. "I'm going to kill that mother fucker who marked what's supposed to be mine!" He snarls, his eyes were turning black, claws elongating and his body was shaking.

"She was never yours to begin with, Canter." A angry, dark yet familiar voice growls out. That voice was like music to my ears. My heart quickly beats a thousand more faster.

Oh my god. Am I dreaming?

Looking away from Canter I look for the source of the beautiful voice. But I was only greeted by the dark night.

Scanning the dark woods I saw nothing but darkness and green...

Green, beautiful, vibrant and angry eyes.

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