Under the Mistletoe

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"What?" Estella's eyes widened as she plopped herself down at the Gryffindor table. The Gryffindors were used to her presence now, especially those in DA, and didn't question it.

"Hagrid's back," Hermione repeated. Lowering her voice as she checked for eavesdroppers, she continued. "Apparently he and Madame Maxime were sent on a mission for Dumbledore to get the alliance of the giants, but failed."

"And the Death Eaters have already starting recruiting them," Harry added bitterly, looking dim.

Ron stabbed a bit of egg moodily. He had been in a sour mood ever since last Quidditch match where the Slytherins had made fun of his Keeper abilities, much to Estella's discomfort. "You're forgetting the worst part. The bloody toad's going to inspect his class."

Estella went a bit pale, looking worried. This was not going to be good for Hagrid.

A few weeks later, Estella stood in the Room of Requirement, practicing the Impediment jinx with Hermione.

She got up from where Hermione had tripped her with an exaggerated eye roll. Her Gryffindor friend was annoyingly good at it.

"Too much for you Penny?" Hermione teased, an eyebrow raised.

"No," Estella grumbled, brushing off the dust of her uniform. Eager for a break, she looked up. "How did Hagrid's evaluation go?"

Hermione's gaze darkened and Estella regretted asking. "It was horrid. He decided to do a lesson on Therstals and the Slytherins didn't help matters." The girl's eyes widened. "You know I didn't mean you Penny," she quickly interrupted. "You don't take the class."

"She's spared a few bloody blisters," Ron complained, practicing his wand movement. "I still have scars from those blasted skrewts."

"So do I," Harry admitted as he came up behind them, looking amused. "Excellent work today, you're free to go. We will meet again after break," he addressed the rest of the group.

Hermione smiled at Ron innocently as the redhead lingered. "I can help you with that Potions essay."

Ron brightened and immediately moved toward the door. "Finally! I've been begging to use those brains of yours for weeks."

Estella snorted as she watched them go and she and Harry were left alone. "Excited for the holidays Harry?"

Harry pulled his eyes from a picture on the wall. "Er.. I suppose so."

Estella frowned and moved beside him to see what the boy had been staring at. Her heart dropped at a moving image of Cedric, effortlessly glamorous and beaming at her with dark eyes.

"Are you alright Harry?" She looked at him seriously. "You can't blame yourself for Cedric."

Harry shook his head bitterly. "I should've taken the cup. I told him to go, but he said we should both have it. If I had just gone, he would have lived."

Estella moved closer, keeping a steady gaze on the boy. "Listen to me Harry, it wasn't your fault. Neither of you knew and what happened afterwards was Voldemort's decision, not yours." She bit her lip, trying to form the right words. "You're not in charge of saving everyone Harry."

Harry looked up, frowning slightly. "But I have to try."

"I know," Estella brushed a stray hair out of her face and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "That's what makes you who you are."

She followed his gaze upward and a sheepish smile grew on her lips. "Mistletoe."

"Yeah, it is."

Estella looked down to see Harry already gazing at her. She closed the distance between them and met his lips gently, trying to convey comfort to a boy who held the weight of the world.

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