3x16 - 1912

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Picture of Sheriff Forbes

Police Station

Althea wakes up in a holding cell. She talks through the bars with sheriff Forbes and Demi "I didn't do it"

"You're arresting her for what this nut job Dr. Fell says?" Demi asks.

"No, I'm detaining her. The cell is for her own good. You were shot; Dr. Fell used vampire blood to heal you"

"Dr. Fell is the one who shot me" Althea tells him.

"Because you came at him with a knife!"

"Yeah, with a knife I had found hidden in his things!"

"Are we gonna ignore the part where she is one of the killer's victims? I mean, she was practically stabbed to death" Demi reminds them.

"Well, Dr. Fell suggested her wounds could have been self-inflicting" Sheriff Forbes tells her.

"You think I stabbed myself?" Althea asks in shock.

"You think I stabbed myself?" Althea asks in shock

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"Look, I think I don't know what to think. I've got nothing, except murder weapons from your stash and a respected member of a founding family pointing a very long finger" Sheriff Forbes sighs.

"He is setting me up. I'm being framed here!" Althea snaps.

"Well, that may be so, but I don't have any proof of that"

"Well then we'll find some" Demi smirks.

"No, just stay out of this, Demi. You getting involved is only going to make matters worse" Sheriff Forbes warns her.

"Listen, Lance..."

"Don't make me put you in that cell with her!" He cuts her off.


Eliot enters the station. Demi walks up to him. "Were you just...?" Eliot asks her, gesturing to the cells.

"Thea's fine. Sheriff wants me to stay out of it"

"But you're not going to. Are you?" He asks her.

"Seems just as good a plan as any"

"Your friend's in jail for murder. You have to do something" Eliot tells her.

"Well, I guess I could rip out Dr. False Accusation's throat. Maybe his tongue. You know, I could chew it up into little tiny pieces and feed it to the squirrels" She mimes chewing like a squirrel.

"Stop it, Demi!"

"Guess me staying out of it suddenly sounds like a good idea, doesn't it? I saved your life last night. Your welcome" she reminds him.

"You know, you could show a little compassion about Benny" Eliot pouts.

"I know, you're right, him and his mom must be really hurting right now. Should I send lasagna?" Demi jokes.

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