2x02 - Brave New World

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Picture of Carlisle Forbes

High School

Everyone is preparing for the Mystic Falls High School Carnival. Benny and Eliot are taking care of everything. "Kasper looked just like you, it was freakish"

"He is my ancestor. Hey, I moved the student booth into the cafeteria"

"Your vampire ancestor and he didn't just resemble you like a family member would. He was you" Benny stressed.

"I don't know, I can't explain it. It's creepy, that's all I got" Eliot tells him.

"How do you know he's not still out there pretending to be you?"

"I don't but I could sit here and be tortured by the not-knowing or I could get these prizes to the ring toss"

"Have you talked to Demi since she killed Jemma or tried to killed Jemma?" Benny asks him.

"No Benny, I haven't and I won't and I don't want to talk about Demi or anything else that's vampire related okay?" He gives a bag full of plush to Benny "I'm human. And I have to do human stuff. Otherwise, I'm going to go crazy"

"Okay, I'm sorry, I'll focus. We have to make Carlisle proud or he will kill us. I don't know how he does all of this" Benny says.

"Well because he's not human, obviously" Eliot jokes.

"Obviously" They laugh.


Eliot arrives to Stella and Jemma. "Hello Eliot" Stella greets.

"hey, did you..."

"Yeah, yeah, I set up the gold fish toss all three hundred gold fish" Jemma interrupts him "It's gonna be epic!" She says sarcastically before leaving.

"She's gonna be alright, she's just been through a little bit of an ordeal" Stella assures him.

"I was just hoping that this carnival would reel her back into the land of a high school teenager"

"That was what we were doing here?"

"Yes, we all are. We're going to be boring high school students who live in a world where the 'V' word is not uttered" Eliot tells her.

"Got it!"

"Then later I'm going to take you to the Ferris wheel, we're gonna ride to the very top and then I'm gonna kiss you and your heart will flutter like a normal high school girl. Do you see a running theme here?" Eliot jokes.

"Yeah I know, I'm seeing it and I'm liking it but I have a quick question. Uh, what do we do about Demi?"

"Uh, no 'D' word okay? That has been deleted from the list of topics that we can discuss" Eliot groans.

"Unfortunately, Kasper showing up has been a little bit of an odd place, little off-kilter, kind of dangerous. Who knows what she's up to?"


Salvatore Boarding House

Demi is pouring a blood bag in a glass when Stella arrives.

"Care for one?"

"No, thank you. I'm not hungry, just ate"

"Are you worried that one day, all the forest animals are gonna band together and fight back? I mean, surely they talk" Demi asks sarcastically.

"I'm just happy that's a blood bag and not a fraternity boy supplying your dinner" Stella tells her ignoring her question.

"I like this. You, walking on egg shells around me because you think I'm gonna explode. Very suspenseful. Is Eliot worried too? I bet I'm you every conversation" Demi smirks.

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