Specialist Cells

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Ik y'all TrIgGeReD now, but just think--

Now you've got around 15 chapters of no angst! :3

❤️💜45k mmmmMmmMmMM💜❤️

---Ink's POV----

We had all been talking softly to each other, simply discussing what we thought the smartest next move for us would be when Nightmare suddenly gave us all a heart attack.

Everyone had been awake, except Nightmare, and it was about mid day, the sun having fully risen outside.

None of had even done anything that could have woke Nightmare up. He had been curled up on the floor asleep. And we left him that way. None of us wanted to wake him for many reasons. One of them being that he'd probably strangle whoever woke him. Reason two being he'd definitely be in a super pissed mood because of this whole Cross situation we're trying to fix. And reason three, he actually looked a little calmer in his sleep.

But then suddenly he jolted like he had a heart attack, sitting bolt upright with his eye wide open.

We all yelped, looking over at him as he hunched over, clutching his chest where his soul was hidden.

"N-Nightmare!?" Error called, cautiously getting to his feet.

"I-I have to go." Nightmare growled, his voice coming out harsh snd raspy.

"G-Go? Go where?!"

"Cross..." He mumbled, forcing himself up to his feet. "I-I need to get him..."

"Nightmare we've been over this." Error said nervously, summoning a bone attack by his side as Nightmare stumbled forwards, heading for the exit.

"Get out of my way." He hissed, wrapping a tentacle around Error's waist before flinging him into me.

I yelped, being knocked down by Error's body as his dead weight barrelled into me. "N-Nightmare wait!"

Error growled loudly, rolling off of me as he flung his hands out in front of himself, making his signature blue strings shoot out and tangle around Nightmare. "We told you about this! We need to make a plan before we can rescue Cross!"

Nightmare hissed, glaring at us so aggressively that I could have sworn my soul stopped for a moment. "None of you will help him! You're all selfish pricks! Not one of you would risk your lives for him. NOT ONE OF YOU! And if you won't help Cross then I will!"

Error's strings snapped suddenly and Nightmare made a break for it, running towards the exit.

Horror lunged out in front of him, holding his axe. But a black tentacle like thing was wrapped around his waist and he was quickly thrown into Lust.

I whipped around to see Nightmare's kids glaring at us, clearing the path for their dad.

"Go get him dad!" They called, watching as Nightmare disappeared, teleporting to where I can only assume he thinks Cross is.

We all stopped, the reality of what had just happened starting to sink in.

"O-Oh god..." I mumbled, covering my mouth with a hand.

Nightmare had just signed himself up for suicide.

---Nightmare's POV----

I fell to the ground, spawning outside the tall, grey walls of Lilitown Asylum. They were made of concrete, meters thick. The only way to get in is through the medieval-type gate that leads to the front entrance.

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