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"I don't understand why your dad has a picture of my mom's ultrasound." I told Finn as we were walking down the street, towards school. We both missed the bus. Finn's fault not mine.

Finn's car is also broken. Finn's fault not mine.

So all we have is our own two feet to walk places, like in the old fashioned days!

"I don't understand either." He replied, holding the straps of his bag. He had an unlit cigarette intertwined between his middle and pointer finger.

"What would your dad want with the ultrasound? What does he plan on doing with it? Why does he have it agai-"

"Shut up." Finn yelled as he lit the cigarette that was now pressed between his plump lips.

"You know you're breathing in toxic chemicals, you're gonna kill yourself."

"Shut up." He groaned again.

"I'm just saying, keep lighting the things and you're on your way to your death bed."

"Shut up."

"I mean, maybe I should get you diagrams about what it's doing to your lung-" before I could finish Finn gripped my arm and turned me around to face towards him, the smell of burning tar from his cigarette was burning my nostrils.

"What's it gonna take for you to shut up?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow.

"For you to stop smoking." I told him and he just rolled his eyes.

"Ain't gonna happen princess." He inhaled the cigarette again and slowly exhaled the smoke in sections. (Authors note: I don't smoke idk what happens. Give me a break)

"I tried." I told him as we continued walking again.
"You go right ahead and keep sucking on that stick of death." I noticed him roll his eyes in the corner of mine.

"You're annoying."

"You amuse me when you're annoyed." I fake smiled in his direction.

"Don't talk to me."

"Gladly." I blew him a kiss as I entered through the doors of the school. The hallways were empty as students were in their classes for first period. Once again Finn's fault not mine.

"Miss y/l/n, you're late." My Spanish teacher yelled at me as I wandered through the door in the middle of her talking about how to talk about how you're going on a trip in Spanish. Whatever.

"Maybe you would like to enlighten the class about why you were late Miss y/l/n." She crossed her arms against her chest as I took my seat.

"Sure. I'd gladly do it in Spanish too." I spoke with sarcasm and got a look off my teacher.

"Detention after school." She scoffed and when she turned around to face the board I stuck my middle finger up at her. I don't know why I did but she was one of the few teachers that really hated me so I hated her.

The school day went by very slowly and then came detention. Oh joy. An hour just sitting there whilst a teacher scolds you and tells you how much you won't graduate high school or get into college by getting into detention.

I walked into the room and Finn himself was there, how am I not surprised.

"Oh look the goody goody has detention." He mocked as he was sat in what I assume is his usual seat in detention since he's here so often he basically lives here.

Bullied by Finn WolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now