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"Michael are you listening to me I want you to babysit your brother and sister tonight okay". Lucy said. Michael glared at his younger brother though his sunglasses and asked. "Why there old enough to look after each other?" Lucy sighed from behind the phone and said in a stern yet soft tone. "Because I asked so Michael now please for me look after your siblings". Michael rolled his eyes and muttered. "FIne". He threw the phone back to his brother and sat up. He gently scratched his neck and yawned. He followed his younger brother out of his room and sighed. 

Sam had ran of ahead, a comic book in hand. "Sorry Lyd". He muttered as he nearly bumped into her. She smirked slightly and shut her bedroom door. Michael walked past her and stopped still. "About time your up". Lydia said smiling at her brother. She frowned as she looked at him. "Are you okay?" She asked. He nodded his head and gently winched. She frowned even more and placed her hand on his head. "Your really burning up" She whispered. She jumped when he grabbed her arms. "Michael". She said in a small scared tone. He pinned her against him and took a deep breath.

Michael quickly shook his head and gulped. He pushed Lydia away and watched as her back hit the wall. She frowned and looked at him as hewalked away. Mich ael shook his head and ran down the stairs. He sat down on the sofa and ran his fingers through his hair. It was her blood. Lydia's blood was driving him mad. He knew he couldnt harm her, she was his sweet innocent little sister. But her blood was making his crazy. It smelt divine to him. 

Sam flopped down in the arm chair across from his and said with a mouth full of food. "Lydia is just making dinner". Michael nodded and shut his eyes. "I'll have the two of you for dinner". Something said from inside of him. He shook his head and stood up. "I need fresh air call me when dinner is ready". He said to Sam. Sam looked up and nodded his head, watching as his brother ran out of the house. Nanook made his way over to Sam and sat infront of him. Letting out a loud whine. Sam scratched Nanook behind the ear and nodded. "I know Naook, I know".

Lydia sighed and gently stired the sauce. There was something wrong with Michael, like something really wrong and she wanted to know. It was her brother and she would do anything to look out for him. She sighed and turned the radio on trying to dyfuse what had happened earlier on upstairs.

Michael sat down on the step outside and sighed. He was hungry, worse then hungry starving. But it wasn't food he was craving. It was Lydia. It was her blood. He knew that Sam's and his mothers blood smelt good. But when he smelt Lydia's blood it was different. He needed to talk to David and quick. He didn;t want to harm anyone, especially his family. He could smell her blood getting stronger as the pourch door opened.

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