30 - "What's going on?"

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**A/n: Last fucking chapter, I am crying**

*Melissa's POV*

It was 3:02 and I was outside the Why Don't We house. I knocked on the door and Zach answered it. He was in a tux. A. Tux.

"What the hell? Are you expecting Ariana Grande or something?" I laughed and pointed to it.

"Come in, you weirdo," Zach laughed.

I walked inside and there was Corbyn and Jonah standing there. Both of them in tuxes too. Okay, wait a minute.

"What's going on?" I asked.

Jonah came up to me and held his arm out. I looped my hand through it hesitantly. It looked like we were about to walk down an aisle at a wedding. Except, I was not dressed for the occasion. This must've been the big surprise Zach wouldn't mention to me yesterday.

"Have you ever realized how eight letters are the hardest to say to someone?" Corbyn asked me, he walked alongside Jonah and I as we walked through the kitchen. No one else was in there.

"Eight letters? What the heck are you talking about?" I asked.

"I love you, there's eight letters," Corbyn explained and kind of laughed. We walked through the kitchen and to the living room. There was Daniel, also in a tux.

Jonah passed me off to Daniel.

"Okay, Daniel, tell me what's going on," I said as I took Daniel's arm.

"You're just going to have to wait. Anyway, you were my first real girlfriend. We had a lot of great times together but we work better as friends. You and Jack, though. Your friendship doesn't work with him," Daniel said as he started leading me upstairs. The other boys were all behind him, following us. I am so generally confused. What the hell is happening?

"Thanks for rubbing that in my face, Seavey," I said.

"What I mean, Mel, is that you and Jack work. It's always been you and Jack. Even with me, even with Gabbie. It was you and Jack," Daniel said.

He led me into this extra room upstairs. It was like a den, with a couch and just a huge TV. Probably a gaming room or Zach's fortnite room. There was Jack, standing in the middle of the room with a bouquet of roses. He stood there slightly smiling, and blushing. Jack Robert Avery was blushing.

Daniel let me go and I just stood there. I didn't know what to do with my hands. I'm awkward. Zach, Corbyn, Daniel, and Jonah all started singing a light harmony in the background. Not any words, just a harmony.

"Hey, Melissa," Jack said.

"Where's Gabbie?" I asked.

"It was never her, it was always you. I'm stupid, and an asshole. And a douche. And everything else. Just, I love you so much I can't let you go," Jack said.

I just nodded, still trying to comprehend everything that was happening.

"You know how Corbyn asked you if you've ever realized that those eight letters are the hardest to say to someone?" Jack asked me.

All I could do was nod again.

"Well, you made it easy for me to say. You made it easy for me to love you. It's so easy to love you and, god, I'm so lucky I can," Jack said.

Tears stung my eyes. So, this was happening. It was really happening. I put my hand over my mouth and just nodded again. I wasn't functioning properly.

"Melissa, I know I don't deserve this. Your forgiveness, your love, or any of it. I want it so bad though. I've never wanted anything or anyone more in my life," Jack said.

"Jack," I said, it was all I could say.

"Melissa," Jack teased and stuck his tongue out at me. Then he smiled and waited. They were all waiting for my answer. I looked back at Zach, Corbyn, Jonah, and Daniel. They all stopped harmonizing and were waiting for me to say something.

I turned back to Jack. Small smile, curly haired, in a tux, holding a bouquet of roses Jack.

"Melissa, will you be my girlfriend?" Jack asked.

Everyone seemed to hold their breath, waiting for me to say something. It was such an intense moment that I think I held my breath too. I thought it over. Jack had chose Gabbie over me. That was the only thing bad he'd done though. He fought a guy who was talking shit about me, he said he loved me, he taught me to skateboard, he was always there for me, and he had planned all of this.

"Y-yeah. Yeah, I will," I smiled.

I swear I heard Corbyn, Jonah, Daniel, and Zach all sigh. I heard them high fiving too. I ran up to Jack and hugged him. As we were hugging someone took the bouquet from Jack so he would have two free hands to hug me.

We hugged for a good solid five minutes. I didn't want to let him go and I knew he felt the same. I pulled back from the hug and looked at Jack. Mine. All mine. I rubbed a hand down his cheek and then leaned in. I kissed him.

It was unlike any kiss I had before. It was perfect. I never wanted it to stop. We fit each other, perfectly. When we were done we both pulled back and just smiled at each other. Jack just connected our foreheads as we both stood there smiling. Jonah, Corbyn, Daniel, and Zach all started clapping but I could barely hear them over my happiness.

"Melissa, you're my girl," Jack whispered.

It was true. I was his. And I was so happy that I was.

**A/n: I'M FUCKING SOBBING. double upload because I felt like being nice. Should there be a book 2 or not??**

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