1 - "Gabbie?"

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181 Days After Prologue (WDW is now back from the Asia part of the tour)...

*Melissa's POV*

"Jack's back from tour now," my older sister, Beckett, told me.

"Why would I care?" I shrugged.

"Well, I don't know. Maybe because he's been your best friend since forever and then he went on tour and you majorly freaked out. You need to apologize," Beck shrugged.

"Apologize for what? HE was the one who didn't tell me about the tour until the day before. HE was the one who ruined me and the boys' awesome movie night. HE hasn't called me since he left. I say this is all his fault," I leaned my head on the window of her car.

"YOU didn't even support him. YOU told him not to talk to you. YOU made him freak out the day he left for tour, in fact he was so freaked out that he came to talk to me," Beckett pointed out.

She pulled the car over and gave me a look. Beckett always won our little arguments. It didn't matter what they were about, she always won.

"Thanks for the ride home," I sighed and opened my door. I looked out and saw we weren't home. We were at Jack's house.

"What the hell?" I asked her, turning around and closing the door.

"Get your ass in there and tell him you're sorry. The poor boy is worried about you," Beckett told me.

"Then why didn't he run after me then?" I asked.

"That shit only happens in books and movies. It's called fiction. Go in there and apologize," Beckett said the last part in her calming voice. I rolled my eyes and then got out of the car. As I walked up to the door I felt all these butterflies in my stomach.

I built up the courage and knocked on the door. As I did I heard Beckett drive away. That was so I couldn't back out now. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. Then Daniel opened the door. He looked a little shocked to see me but then he smiled.

"Melissa!" He exclaimed and then wrapped me into a hug. Yeah, I was mad at them for not telling me that they were leaving but I also had missed them. Not just Jack, I missed all of them. I hugged him back then he pulled away and motioned for me to come inside.

"Who is it?!" someone yelled from the kitchen, it sounded like Zach.

"Melissa!" Daniel yelled to him excitedly. He put his hand on my back and then led me into the kitchen. In there was Jonah, Zach, and Corbyn. Jack was nowhere to be found.

"Hey, look who's grown up," Jonah smiled and then hugged me too. Corbyn came over and patted my head, he didn't hug me because of Christina. Not that Christina would care, she was one of my really good friends and would be okay with it. Plus she knows Corbyn and I wouldn't make a move on each other. Then Zach came over last and gave me a hug too.

"What do you mean by 'look who's grown up'," I asked Jonah.

"I mean you've changed," Jonah said in an it's-obvious tone.

"Well, okay then..." I trailed off.

"Sorry, it may have sounded weird," Jonah shook his head and gave me a smile.

"It's okay. Where's Jack?" I asked them.

"He's with Gabbie," Corbyn shrugged.

"Gabbie?" I asked a little confused.

"Oh, you don't know..." Corbyn trailed off and then looked down.

"His, ugh..." Zach kind of just looked at me like he didn't want to tell me.

"Guys, it can't be that bad. Just tell me who she is," I kind of laughed.

"Gabbie's his girlfriend," Daniel straight out said.

His what???!

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