24 - "He played with my heart"

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**A/n: I updated twice today, haha**

*Melissa's POV*

Weeks had passed. I'd seen Jonah, Zach, and Corbyn a couple times, all of them coming over to check on me and see if I needed anything. Jack and Daniel though, they hadn't even tried to call me. I had no idea why Daniel wasn't calling me but Jack better have a damn good excuse.

"Stop being all depressed," Beckett told me as I ate breakfast.

"I'm not depressed. I just don't want to leave the house," I shrugged.

"At least go hang out with Jonah or Zach or that blond one that's dating that one girl. I forget his name. Anyway, I'll drive you somewhere to go hang out with them. Please, just get out of the house," Beckett pleaded.

"I don't want to. Jack fucked up," I shook my head.

"He did but that shouldn't bother you. You shouldn't let what he did affect you so much," Beckett said.

"He played with my heart. I just need time," I sighed.

"Fine, if you're not going to leave then do something productive," Beckett told me and walked out of the kitchen.

I finished eating breakfast then went upstairs. I took a long hot shower which felt really good. Then I got dressed in a sweatshirt and jeans. Then I just lounged around and played games on my phone. The doorbell rang and scared me. I ran downstairs and answered it, thinking maybe it was Jack.

I was wrong though, it was just Zach and Jonah.

"Hey, let's go do something," Zach whined and tugged my arm.

"Did Beckett call you guys?" I asked.

I turned around to see Beckett giving me an evil smile. Oh, she totally called them.

"Let's just go," Jonah nodded to his car and smiled.

"Fine, but if you guys take me back to your house I might kick one of you," I said.

"Might?" Zach asked, "So we have a chance you won't?"

"I WILL kick one of you," I corrected then laughed. It was my first laugh in weeks and it made my cheeks hurt.

"We were just going to go to the mall and walk around," Jonah shrugged.

"I want new shoes," Zach said and held up his foot.

"That was very Corbyn of you to say but whatever, I'll go," I smiled.

(Time skip - they get to the mall)

We walked around a little. Zach got two pairs of shoes and was very happy about it. I didn't buy anything, just walked around.

"I love my new shoes!" Zach said for about the third time in the last five minutes.

"Yeah, we got that," Jonah laughed.

"Hey, Melissa, wait!" someone said behind us.

We turned around to see Jack and Gabbie sitting outside of some place that sold smoothies. It was Jack that had called out for us.

"Did you guys set this up?" I asked and glared at  both Zach and Jonah.

"No," Jonah shook his head confused.

"I only told him we were taking you to the mall," Zach shrugged.

Jonah and I both glared at Zach.

"Way to not keep a secret again, Zach!" I said and hit the back of Zach's head.

"Mel, you need to listen to me," Jack came up to us.

"I'm Melissa to you and I don't have to listen to you if I don't want to," I crossed my arms.

"What? Come on," Jack said.

"Fuck you, Avery. Oh wait, Gabbie probably already has. Fucking disgusting," I shook my head and walked away. Zach and Jonah were laughing by the time they caught up with me. I was walking so fast it took awhile.

"That was fantastic," Zach laughed.

"Worded a little weird but great," Jonah said.

"He hurt me really bad, guys," I said but smiled because what I had said was kind of funny.

"We know. And he's an asshole. But, he does love you and he should've explained to you beforehand," Zach said.

"Before what?" I asked.

Zach didn't say anything.

"Oh, so now you're going to keep your mouth shut!" I teased.

"He just wanted to be friends with Gabbie again. Corbyn and Daniel went with him to try and fix him and Gabbie's friendship. It worked. They're friends again. I asked Jack and they're just friends," Zach said.

"That's not what I saw," I shook my head.

"You should talk to Jack," Jonah said.

"Jonah! I thought you were helping me!" I said.

"I am. I think that's what's best for you," Jonah admitted.

"Whatever," I shook my head.

I wasn't going to be the one to talk to Jack, he would have to talk to me.

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