8 - "No, I came to see Jack"

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*Melissa's POV*

After Gabbie and I's girl day, I asked her to drop me off at the Why Don't We house. I had wanted her to stay with me but she said she was just going to go home. It made me sad, she was a good friend. All I could focus on now though was that I needed to fix Jack and I's friendship. I knocked on the door and Corbyn opened it.

"Hey, Melissa, you here for Daniel?" he asked.

"No, I came to see Jack," I replied. Corbyn seemed a little taken back but then he let me in.

"I think him and Zach are in the kitchen," Corbyn nodded to me and then walked in the living room. I walked into the kitchen and then saw Zach and Jack in the kitchen. They were eating cookies. Where did they get cookies? None of these guys can cook for the life of them.

"Hey, Mel, what's up?" Zach smiled to me and waved, "Daniel's in his room."

"I came to see Jack," I told them.

"Really?" Jack asked.

"Oh," Zach nodded, still eating cookies. We both looked at him for awhile then he looked back up at us.

"Go on, talk," Zach said.

"Zach, leave," Jack almost laughed.

"Well, fine," Zach laughed and then left

"What's up, Melissa?" Jack asked me.

"I've been a real ass lately," I said.

"You can say that again," Jack mumbled. He looked back up at me with an apologetic look when he realized I heard what he said.

"What I mean is that I'm sorry and I miss our friendship. I miss you," I told him.

"Yeah, yeah. I miss you too," Jack said.

"We good?" I asked.

"Yeah, we're good," Jack nodded. I walked over to him with my arms open. He looked at me and rolled his eyes. Then he pulled me into a hug.

"So, tell me about Gabbie," I said into his shoulder. It came out muffled but I knew he heard me.

"No, not right now. You tell me what's going on with you and Daniel. I saw that kiss last night," Jack said.

"Oh, well...we're dating. Like officially," I said.

"Sweet, he likes you. I can tell," Jack said and we both pulled out of the hug.

"Speaking of, I'm going to go see him. Bye," I said. I waved to Jack and then went to Daniel's room.

"Bye," Jack nodded.

When I got to Daniel's room, I knocked on the door.

"I swear, Jonah, I am trying to write a song!" Daniel yelled from inside. He laughed a little then he opened the door. When he saw it was me he gave me the biggest hug humanly possible.

"Hey, girl, what you doing here?" Daniel asked.

"I came to fix my problem with Jack but now I want to hang out with you," I replied.

"Cool, song can be on hold. Let's go watch a movie," Daniel told me.

I looked at the time and saw it was five. I must've been with Gabbie a long time. I nodded my head to Daniel. He grabbed my hand and together we walked downstairs. There was Corbyn and Jonah. They were already watching a movie.

"Yes we are watching Harry Potter and then ET, we don't care what you say Melissa," Corbyn laughed.

"Well, fine," I stuck my tongue out at him.

"TV hoggers," Daniel glared at them and then laughed.

"Want to just drive me home?" I asked Daniel.

"Sure," Daniel said and put his arm around me. We walked out the door and then went to his car. Outside I saw Jack and Gabbie. Gabbie must've come back or something. They were kissing against Jack's car. It was gross. It was like make out kissing and I just wanted them to stop and realize Daniel and I were here or something. They didn't though. They were too focused on each other. So whatever argument they had must be over now.

Daniel pulled me closer against him. I must've been watching Jack and Gabbie too long or something.

"Sorry, that's just gross," I said.

"They don't think so," Daniel laughed. He opened up the passenger door to the car and I got in. Then he went around to the driver side and got in too. He started pulling out of the driveway. When we passed by Gabbie and Jack they both looked at us. Jack rubbed the back of his neck and Gabbie got back in her car. Okay, so maybe they weren't better? I don't know. It was hard to tell right now.

Daniel held my hand and then when we got to my house he walked up to my door with me. He ran his fingers through my hair and then gave me a kiss.

"Have a good night, cutie," he said.

"You too, Seavey," I laughed.

He gave me another kiss and then went inside. Today had been so weird.

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