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Written by yvessaintlourry

"No, absolutely not," Hanbin decides as he and Jiwon do their weekly grocery shop. Or rather, as Jiwon shops and Hanbin follows blindly along, sneaking complete rubbish into the basket when his roommate isn't looking.

"I'm doing it," Jiwon sighs, placing bananas on a scale.

The best friends have lived together since they moved to Seoul a few years back, Jiwon deciding their house was to be a "family home" instead of the party house Hanbin had been planning on. They still had their fair share of get-togethers that included getting wasted and the occasional blunt, but the place was always spotless by the next night. Jiwon usually had to give Hanbin some incentive to help him clean, such as "I'll pay for the weed next time, just pick up the damn cups."

"You're not," Hanbin almost sings as he shoves a tin of chocolate fingers under Jiwon's pizza.

"I'm getting a motorcycle, Bin," he replies stubbornly. "And I saw that."

Hanbin ignores the latter statement. "You can't even stand still without falling on your ass!" he exclaims, earning some annoyed glances from nearby customers. "You'll crash and die, and I'll get up in front of everyone at your funeral and tell them you ignored my warnings."

"Oh, yeah, I'm sure my eomma would love to hear that. Very comforting."

"It's a bad idea, hyung," Hanbin warns him again.

Jiwon doesn't reply as he turns down the baking aisle.

Hanbin hears a strange roaring noise coming from the outside of his house one day as he sits, grading papers. He furrows his eyebrows and jots a quick B+ down onto the top right corner of Junhoe's essay before standing and walking hesitantly over to his front door.

He takes a look through his peephole and sees some lanky asshole parking a motorcycle on the edge of the street, and - wait.

He swings their front door open just in time to see curly brown locks and familiar eye smile reveal themselves from under a black sparkly helmet.

"Jiwon!" Hanbin shouts, arms crossed and annoyance present in his voice.

"Hey, Bin!" Jiwon replies cheerfully as he pushes the kickstand down with his foot to keep the bike steady.

"That better be Johnny's bike, Jiwon, or I swear to god," Hanbin grumbles as Jiwon approaches him, helmet held under his arm.

"Do you like it?" Jiwon beams. "It's only a year old, and it's in perfect condition. The guy I bought it from told me I could get a matching sidecar for cheap, which I thought was funny, but I don't think I'll do that." Hanbin's anger falters when he sees how genuinely happy he is.

He pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. "Always wear your helmet, and never go past the speed limits. Ever," Hanbin stresses. "Use your blinker, and please for the love of god check every blind spot at least twice before you go, got it?"

Jiwon grins, his bunny teeth making an appearance as he swings his arms around Hanbin's neck. "I knew you'd come around." He plants a wet kiss to  Hanbin's cheek, catching him off guard before releasing him and walking inside their shared flat.

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