169 kilos

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Written by flannypack

When Changbin glanced up, Hyunjin had finally opened his eyes again, and was leaning up by his neck to watch Changbin with his still-raw and puffy face, lips still turned slightly down.

Changbin would take care of that, like he always did.

He continued to kiss Hyunjin's chest, talking between each one.

"Your 'small boobs' are big enough for me, and I'm way bigger than a pup. Way, way hungrier, too. Maybe you were put here so I could suck on them one day."
omega hyunjin doesnt look or feel like a "traditional", attractive omega. not to worry, though. his boyfriend changbin is there to save the day.


"They're small."

Changbin froze in place for the briefest moment, his fingers flexing around Hyunjin's shaft as the dread began to trickle in. He watched his mate-to-be clutching the once discarded pink bralette against the center of his chest, veins and tendons in his strong forearms flexing underneath his skin with how hard he was gripping the fabric.

No wonder he'd gotten so silent. Debatably, at his most effervescent moments, Hyunjin broke off in pieces into himself the most.

"Hyunjin," Changbin quickly started, immediately letting go of his omega's cock to redirect all of his attention higher up on the long, pretty plane of his body. He crawled his way up, placing a few short kisses against his skin along the way before arriving at the part of himself Changbin guessed he saw too much of that day.

Hyunjin rolled his head to one side—the fight against tears was always, always, heart-wrenchingly physical—and groaned, drawing his fist and his arms and the thin pink fabric up higher on his chest.

Changbin's stomach did a sickening swoop.

"Hyunjin, you're beauti-"

" You always say that !" Hyunjin cried, and goddammit, Changbin was trying to stop it before it happened, but he crumpled as his throat closed up and he watched Hyunjin dissolve into tears.

"But they're so fucking small , they're so—" Changbin rolled off of him before he was pushed off, " ugly ! Chan is—Chan has to-"

Chan again. Chan, the absolute one-of-a-kind pack leader. Not only an omega with a defiant sense of leadership to head a pack of eight, including alphas, but a beautiful one, built like a direct descendant of the first canis lupus mother.

Chan, who Hyunjin usually couldn't get away from in his own head when he looked down at himself.

Hyunjin writhed against the bedsheets and cried hard enough that the frustration he couldn't get out with his voice manifested in the way his veins began bulging against his neck. His sweet pea and honeyed milk scent took a nosedive into something sour, the smell elevated by his suppressed heat.

Changbin hated it. Hyunjin cried with his whole body, like the pain inside his chest was burning him from the inside out, and Changbin hated it. Because, he wanted to blame somebody for this, maim them for making Hyunjin believe he wasn't enough, but who the fuck was he supposed to blame. God, maybe? Just to direct something at somebody?

"No, Jinnie, no," Changbin said, pushing himself up onto his knees so he could crowd around his omega bent over him, beautiful and frayed, and wiggle a hand up underneath his shoulder and another around the side of his jaw.

Hyunjin's eyes were squeezed shut, but Changbin looked down into his face anyways, pressing his thumb insistently along the wet skin of his cheek.

"I always say it cause I mean it but you're not listening to me—"

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