Watermelon Sugar High

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Written by rig_ma_role

It's magical. He feels the tightening of fingers on his hip every time he licks at the seam of Johnny's lips and with a bit of coaxing his mouth opens up under Mark's tongue. He tastes like watermelon and Mark takes all that sweet summery taste from Johnny's mouth.
They break apart when it gets hard to breath and Mark buries his head in Johnny's neck, smelling sunshine and pool water.
"There you go." Johnny murmurs in his ear and chuckles, "I guess you like me just fine"

Mark is 19
Johnny is 23


Watermelon Kisses

The ice clinks and swishes back and forth in the pale-yellow depths of his lemonade. There's perspiration beading along the length of the glass and it gives Mark an open canvas to squiggle out some smiley faces on the side of the cup. He draws a few dot-eyed Smileys and, to finish it all off, a giant sad face for good measure, because right now he's not feeling all too great.

The main culprit of Mark's bad mood is the sweat that is pooling everywhere.....And by everywhere, Mark means everywhere, from the top of his head all the way down to the crook of his knees and then some. It's even collecting in the dip of his thighs, making his shorts stick to him unpleasantly. It's hot and muggy and so damn uncomfortable, he just wants to rip his skin off, climb into the fridge and stay there till summer's over.

Mark slumps over the kitchen counter and chases his favorite bendy straw into his mouth to suck down the ice-cold lemonade. It's a Mrs. Lee special. Mark swears all the aunties in their neighborhood are mesmerized by it, but he knows it's just a dash of ginger beer hidden in a good amount of freshly squeezed lemon and lime. And sugar, lots and lots of sugar.

He makes a note to gently persuade his mom into reducing the sweetness, the dangers of diabetes is still a thing and he'd like to survive till he's at least eighty.

Sighing bodily, Mark fiddles with the straw, plastering his bare sweaty chest on the cool marble countertop. He lets it leach out some of the heat from his body and wishes he could just die. It's probably the hottest summer in Seoul, since.....maybe forever and Mark expects it'll only get hotter each coming year. Goddamn global warming.

He shuffles to a colder place on the counter when the spot he's in gets too hot.

"Yah, Mark Lee! you get your sticky body off my nice kitchen counter." Mrs. Lee yells rubbing at the sweat stain that Mark has left in one corner. She's in a strappy summer dress and by some great motherly power isn't sweating as much.

"S' too hot" Mark mumbles, flapping his hand lifelessly, gesturing at his mom to go away. He hopes she's not in a spanking mood because the last time he messed up her kitchen he'd had a good ass whooping and consequently a sore butt for two hours. He was also twelve years old, but that's beside the point.

The summer heat is unforgiving and unrelenting and the coolness of the marble seeping into his body is the only reprieve he has. It's only made worse by the fact that he's bored out of his mind with nothing to do.

Mark slurps down the last of the lemonade and chews on the ice that's swimming in the dredges of his cup. The ice hurts his teeth but it's better than nothing. He plays around with the idea of using the ice on himself but the ones left over in his cup have melted too much (and are lemon-y) so he takes some more out of the fridge and rubs it along his arms trying to get rid of the horrid heat that's clinging onto him like a second skin.

He's surprised by a swat to his bottom. "Young man you are making a mess." His mom chides him and starts mopping up the melted ice with a paper towel.

"Maa. It's too hot." His whiney voice cracks as one of the ice cubes, he's rubbing on his chest, slips through the loose waistband of his shorts and slides into his underwear. Mark shrieks and wiggles around until it falls out the bottom. This was definitely not how he expected to be getting his first experience of Blue balls.

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