365 seconds

802 5 0

Written by fakeroyalty

Mark's story was split into many, many smaller gray bars, so Johnny knew he was settling in for a long haul. The first was from yesterday, a picture of Donghyuck and Mark in matching Christmas sweaters. The next picture was what made Johnny take pause. Neon blue text over a black background:

"one sec a day for the WHOLE YEAR.... WE MADE IT HAPPEN!!! haha have fun watching!!! tag yourself ;)

oh and 🔞 🔞 🔞 🔞 🔞 🔞"

What the hell was Mark posting to his insta story that could possibly warrant a 'not safe for work' warning?


Johnny awoke at 1:16pm on New Year's Day with only a mild hangover, which he considered a moderate win and a good vibe to start off the new year with.

He also woke up to 76 new text messages, which was a bit higher than even he had been expecting. People really went all out on New Year's wishes for 2022, apparently. Johnny yawned widely as he tapped into his messages, rolling over to dig his chin down into the pillow. There were the dozens of "Happy New Year's!!", as expected. But he also had a bunch of... other messages. Weird ones.

jaehyun: oh my god dude

jaehyun: DUDE.........

taeyong: 😳😳

joohyun: didn't think you had it in you! 💖💖

And a barrage from Yuta.

yuta: viewing party tonight?? we can put it on the flatscreen at my place

yuta: think i beat you out johnny-boy....

yuta: hello???? respond

yuta: respond

yuta: JOHNNY.

yuta: what u mad i won or something lmao

johnny: what the hell are you talking about

yuta: did you only just wake up??? lmaoo

yuta: old man had to sleep off the hangover ig

yuta: check mark's insta story

johnny: fuck off you are literally my age

But Johnny did open up instagram, nonetheless. The first story in the top bar was onyourm_ark's. When Johnny opened it, he noticed the "Close Friends" lock on it first, and how long it was second. Mark's story was split into many, many smaller gray bars, so Johnny knew he was settling in for the long haul. But really, it was the picture that made Johnny take pause. Neon blue text over a black background:

one sec a day for the WHOLE YEAR.... WE MADE IT HAPPEN!!! haha have fun watching!!! tag yourself ;)

oh and NSFW!!!!!! 🔞 🔞 🔞 🔞 🔞 🔞

What the hell was Mark posting to his insta story that could possibly warrant a 'not safe for work' warning?

He got a tweet notif from Yuta that he clicked into before watching the next part of Mark's story. Better to see it now before he got invested in 365 seconds of Mark's life over the past year (how long even was that? Four fucking minutes? Jesus. Johnny could not believe he was actually gonna lay here and watch it).


counted myself 11 times 👅 is anyone gonna beat me? u can just give me the crown now #Mark365 👑 👑 👑 💦 💦

K-POP BxB ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora