➳ fifty-two

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Just like that, class is over. Everyone went their separate ways, some staying behind for clubs, while the others made their way out of school.

As promised, Yoongi has been waiting for Jihyo outside the school gate, leaning against the wall. Jihyo, on the other hand, has been walking so slowly. She was deep in thought, not minding how slow she was right now.

It took her time to finally reach the end of the gate, but she halted her movement. Should she really face him today? Knowing that he might've been the reason for her heartbreak after all?

Jihyo was currently conflicted. She has to admit, something has been developing with the way she sees Yoongi, and she doesn't want that to be ruined by something small.

Jihyo took a deep breath. It would be nice to confront him first, One shouldn't decide that early. She has to find out, eventually.

Once she's finally mustered enough courage, she started walking out of school, immediately spotting Yoongi. Once he saw her, his face lit up, sending a smile over to Jihyo.

Of course, Jihyo didn't fail in returning one, too. She feels like she made the right decision. Jihyo casually walked over to him, her smile never fading.

"I thought you'd never come." Yoongi said, relief and happiness shown in his face.

"Then why were you waiting for me if you thought I'd never come then?" Jihyo stuck her tongue out, teasing Yoongi as if she didn't avoid him these past few days.

The two walked over to Yoongi's car, and soon enough they were settled. Jihyo asked him where he was taking her to, but she didn't get any proper answer.

"Enough asking about that, why were you ignoring me? I was hurt, you know." Yoongi pretended to be hurt, causing her to giggle.

"I'm sorry. I was just... sorting things out." Jihyo replied. Once the boy has heard her answer, he just reached out and pat her head, causing the girl to be completely flustered, looking away from him.

"Let's go then, shall we?" Yoongi asked, and Jihyo just nodded, still shook at what he did. When will she ever learn to be comfortable?, he smiled to himself as he drove to wherever he was taking Jihyo to.

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