➳ forty-four

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Jihyo was more than ready to go to school, shouting 'goodbye' to her parents, before going out.

She didn't expect what awaits her outside, though. But she figured she needs to get used to it.

Yoongi was leaning against his car, who looked like he was waiting for someone. ("And that someone is me~", Jihyo mentally giggled.)

He noticed her presence, glancing up and flashing out a smile, in which Jihyo did the same, as she was approaching him.

"Good Morning~" he greeted, ruffling her hair.

Her nose crunched, "How long have you been waiting here?" she asked. Jihyo was worried if he waited for a long time already.

"Aww... That's what I only get? No 'Good Morning too'?" Yoongi pouted, and Jihyo laughed at the sight, it was very rare for him to do such things.

"Fine," Jihyo playfully rolled her eyes, "Good Morning to you too." Jihyo said, aegyo in her tone. If Yoongi can do it, so can Jihyo.

And at that moment, Yoongi felt a 'pang' at his heart, he pretended to die at her cuteness, clutching his heart as he played with her, earning giggles and smacks from the girl.

The two figured it's time to stop playing, and got ready to go to school. As usual, Yoongi opened the passenger door for her, before going to his seat and driving towards school.

When they were near their destination, Jihyo felt nervous, "Is it really okay for me to go out in the same car as you?" Jihyo's voice wavered. "I mean, you have tons of fangirls, what would they think about me..." she trailed off.

Yoongi, on the other hand, kept cool. He knows this would happen, and he just reached for her cheeks, pinching them lightly.

"Calm down. I'll take care of you." he just smiled at her, before turning his attention to the road again.

But it didn't satisfy Jihyo.

"Wait, can't I just get off earlier? I don't wanna cause trouble... Please?" her tone contained fear and worry, and Yoongi knows he can't do anything else, so he sighed and just nodded.

"I guess I can't walk you to your room nor escort you to the cafeteria then. But I'll still wait for you outside after class". Yoongi stopped his car just a few meters away from their school, allowing Jihyo to go out.

"Alright." was all Jihyo said, before making her way outside.

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