➳ sixty-two

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After ten minutes of nothingness, Yoongi (finally) initiated a talk. "I can't stand this anymore. We need to talk." His gaze was fixed on Jihyo's eyes, who turned her head as soon as he spoke.

Her eyes were big and she was clearly shocked, yet she just nodded slowly, before getting up and shyly walking towards where he was.

She stopped at a safe distance, Jihyo knows she wants to go further, but she can't seem to do it herself. It frustrated Yoongi, but accepted it nevertheless. All he wanted to ask was for Jihyo to hear him out.

"Look. I'll go straight to the point," He started, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I know that wasn't the best way, but I really can't stand seeing you love someone who doesn't feel the same for you." Jihyo's eyes started to quiver, yet he continued.

"Jungkook was literally the one who did this for you— us even, but now he feels guilty for everything. Prevent the confession, that I did. I wanted to not break your heart, but that, I did. A-and..." Yoongi cannot control himself anymore, so he let out the tears that were not exactly meant to be free.

Jihyo on the other hand was unable to form words to say, She just stood there as she listened to his explanation. Heck, she didn't expect his sudden outburst would make her feel like something pierced her heart.

A tear, followed by another. They streamed down Jihyo's cheek, imitating the way they fell on Yoongi's cheek. The sound of faint sobs echoed throughout the gym.

By the time he gained his composure, he continued again. "And whatever your decision is, remember that I'll always be here for you alright? I want you to know that I won't stop loving you." The words were enough for Jihyo to burst her bubble and directly ran, surprising him as she almost pounced on the poor boy.

"I'm—sorry." she muttered repeatedly in between her sobs, engulfing him in a tight hug. Though surprised, he replied to her hug in the same intensity, feeling a huge weight leave his body.

The two exchanged a fair share of apologies, then pulled away from the hug only to look into each other's eyes. Yoongi's were slightly puffy but he had stopped crying already, whereas Jihyo's were still shiny, all due to the tears that were unshed from crying earlier.

"I'm sorry for just running off like that. I should've talked to you then. I already had the idea when you left a note at the lockers, but I tried to ignore it, thinking that maybe you really weren't the one behind all that." Jihyo's hands snaked its way to his, their eyes never leaving each other's.

"Thank you." Yoongi simply said, smirking as he slowly leaned towards her. The old Yoongi has returned. Backing away wasn't an option, their hands were still locked, and all Jihyo could do was to bend backwards.

On the verge of falling, she was now struggling to keep her balance while Yoongi just kept on leaning further. Jihyo shut her eyes close, silently praying for what was going to happen next.

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