➳ forty-two

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By the time lunch has ended, everyone was back to their classes. As much as Yoongi wanted to walk Jihyo to her class, he knows that their 'budding' relationship should be kept from now.

Come to think of it, he hasn't told his friends about anything, and had settled to tell them after classes will end.
For now, he just sat at his chair, gazing at the view outside the window, as he recalled how warm Jihyo's touch was.


Class has dismissed, Yoongi hurried in fixing his things before dashing out of his room, excited to tell his friends every single thing that happened during his 'date' with Jihyo.

He stood at their usual spot, waiting for his friends to come out. One by one, they came, greeting the boy with enthusiasm.

All of them had finally gathered, and they settled to going to a small restaurant near their school before they let Yoongi do the talking.

They had finally arrived, and the boy couldn't wait to spill it out. Without waiting for the go signal, he spoke as soon as they had seated down.

His friends didn't mind him, they listened closely to whatever he will tell, smiles creeping up their faces as they saw their friend happily telling his story.

By the time he stopped, everyone burst into cheers. "Yoongi got himself a girlfriend~" they chanted altogether. They had to keep it down, though, so they settled for loud whispers.

Yoongi suddenly felt a nudge, and as he looked at the direction, he saw Jungkook, giving him a thumbs up. He returned the action and thanked their maknae, without him, he wouldn't be telling them the best day of his life.

The boys started digging in their meal, exchanging chats and talks as they ate.

In the middle of their eating, the bell rang, signalling the arrival of new customers. The boys glanced over the door, and were surprised to see them.

The group of girls, or should we say Jihyo and her friends, entered the same restaurant. It's pretty normal, considering this is the nearest place from their school.

Jin had wasted no time waving at them, gaining their attention and telling them to come sit with them, as they had enough seats for the both of them.

The girls glanced at each other before answering. Nayeon just nodded, and they settled sitting with the boys, finding that this way of finding seats is easier.

And the night went on...

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