➳ eighteen

958 55 4

Jihyo's POV

The days have been quite quiet. Most of the time I'm all alone. The girls have their own clubs, in which I didn't participate in any.

Yoongi has been awfully quiet, in fact he was nowhere to be seen. He hasn't teased me, nor showed a sign that he was there.

I heaved a sigh as I closed my locker lazily. Another boring day has came to an end. After getting my books, I walked to the school gate.

What I didn't expect is for me to see the both of them again. Yoongi, Jungkook. It's nothing much, they're always together, so you'll always encounter them together.

I tried my real best to look away, so I wouldn't be noticed.
Ah, this is hard. It has been a few minutes, my friends are not yet coming out, should I just ditch them?

After a few more minutes of torture, I finally decided to leave. I began to walk away, well, I planned to.
But someone stopped me from doing so.

Guess who?

Jungkook's POV

All of the boys have gathered at the front of the school gate again. They were basically talking about useless things, a typical topic for our group.

Just then I could feel the presence of someone else, so I decided to secretly check. You never know what's bound to happen.

When I noticed it was just Jihyo, I calmed down. It's just her, there's nothing to be worried of. But I sure am worried about Yoongi and Jihyo. Yoongi has been cutting off his connections with Jihyo, refusing to even see her.

I'm just worried about the two of them. I hope Yoongi plans on making a move earlier. She was about to leave. Well, not until one certain move.

Yoongi's POV

I didn't hesitate, nor think twice (a/n:lol get it)
I just did it,unconsciously. I firmly grasped her wrist. It wasn't the first time I did this, but it still made me flustered.

She was surprised at the sudden action, who wouldn't, I'm even surprised too.

When I finally came back to my senses, I quickly let go of her hand. I muttered an inaudible sorry, and that's where things got really awkward.

The others were just staring at us. Jihyo was staring at me. And I was staring at Jihyo.

Why did I do this?

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