➳ thirty-two

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Jihyo had finally finished thanking the boy, and he let her enter the passenger's seat first, opening the door for her.
Once Jihyo was seated, Yoongi went to the driver's seat, and they were now off to the mall.

Ever since Yoongi gave her the gift, she didn't let go of it. It was in her hands ever since. The ride on the way wasn't long, they just exchanged a couple of random conversations.

They have reached the mall, luckily finding a parking spot right away. They both got out of the car, and Jihyo refused to leave the stuffed toy in his car.

He playfully sighed, and just brought an arm up and wrapped it around Jihyo, who seemed to not mind at all.
As they walked inside, Jihyo wasn't even complaining about his hand, which left Yoongi confused.

He smirked a little, "Are you finally used to my touches?", before looking at Jihyo. She hummed in response, "Well... you could say that." and cheekily smiled, then her focus was shifted infront again.

Just the day before, the stares would make Jihyo feel uneasy, but why didn't it feel like that today? Today she was just enjoying herself, with no care of the other people staring at them.

"Hey! Let's take a picture here!" Jihyo didn't waste any time getting her camera, it would be a waste if she wasn't going to use it anyway. The two posed for the camera, his arm pulling her close to his body. It looked like the perfect couple photo.

For minutes they searched for the restaurant they would eat at, and they ended up at a samgyeopsal place. They seated across each other, just the table in between.

While the staff did it's job in grilling, Yoongi took this as a chance to stare at the woman infront of her, who was excitingly looking at the food that was now cooking.

His eyes then never left her face, until the meat was ready and it was now time to eat. Before Jihyo could reach for a lettuce wrap, Yoongi held her wrist, preventing her from doing so.

"I'll do it." he sternly said. Jihyo couldn't stop looking at him, he looked really intimidating. And at the same time, really hot.

With no choice, Jihyo pulled her hand away, letting Yoongi do the work.

"You do know I have hands to do that myself, right?" Jihyo asked, her eyes never leaving his face as her fingers fiddled with each other.

"You do know that I'm doing this for you, so stop whining and open your mouth." Yoongi instructed, holding the now finished wrap in his hand.

trouvaillé ➳ yoonghyo Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ