Chapter 25

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*The Next Day*

"Where's Jen?" Britt asked, walking in and seeing only the other three girls.

"Probably asleep." Angel said, shrugging her shoulders.

"That's not really like her though, she's the one who's usually up before us." Ash said.

"Maybe something happened last night and she just isn't feeling good to come out." Lainee said.

"What would happen? She was here alone." Britt said.

"Hm, I don't know, maybe a certain someone came over last night and things went a bit too far."

"Lainz, you're not saying she cheated on JJ with someone, are you?" Ash asked.

"Like I said, I don't know."

The girls looked over at Lainee confused, wondering if she knew something and was hiding it.


She sighed as she laid on her bed, thinking of what happened last night. She had been up most of the night, not able to sleep, and wondering how and when to tell JJ about it.

She knew it was wrong, and she knew JJ would probably be upset and might end their relationship.

She grabbed her cell and went to her contacts, finding her boyfriends name. She glanced at his name for about five minutes before pressing the send button. She let out a soft sigh as she thought of how he would react.

"Hello?" She heard him mumble.


"Jen? Why are you calling me this early?"

"I'm sorry, but um, can we meet up?"


"I kinda got something to tell you."

"And you can't tell me now why?"

"Cause, I think it's better if we were in person."

"This isn't like you wanting to break up or anything?"

"NO! No, I just, I wanna talk to you. Something happened last night and I just want you to know."

"Uh, ok, I guess, what time you wanna meet up?"

"Upto you really."

"That doesn't help Jen."

"Sorry, I just, I don't know."

"Alright, how about around noon?"

"Yeah ok."

"You know where?"

"Um, how about the park? or the beach?"

"Let's go with the beach, it'll probably be empty."

"Yeah, ok."

"So the beach at noon?"


"You sure you can't tell me now?"

"I'm sure."

"Ok. See you then."

"Yeah, ok."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

They hung up.

Jen sighed, knowing it was going to be harder to talk about than she had imagined.

She heard a knock on her door.

"Yeah?" She called.

"Jen? You up?" She heard Ash's voice.

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