Chapter 5

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The night was drawing near, Jen and JJ were both getting ready to hangout tonight. Neither of them expecting to make it into something after all. Both sets of their friends were non-stop chatting, telling the pair what to do and what not to do, all that jazz.

JJ pulled up in his car to the park that he and Jen had decided to meet up at. He knew he was about ten minutes early, and figured he'd rather be there instead of show up late incase he got distracted.

He watched, while waiting for the ten minutes to pass by, at the various teenage couples hanging around, having a good time with each other. He smiled, wishing he could have that in his life. With his busy schedule right now, touring the world, recording music, interviews, and photoshoots; it was a struggle. His past relationships weren't easy to handle and they were also in the media industry. But to date a girl outside of it? Was it possible to manage? At least he wouldn't have to worry about her schedule being packed with things compared to his. Meaning, he would at least have some time off where he could spend it with her. But then again, you never know really when it comes to dating.


He heard the softness of her voice making him look over his shoulder and saw her. He smiled and stood up, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Hey." He replied.

"What's up?" She asked.

"Not much, you?"

"Same. How'd that interview go?"

"It was alright."


He sent her another smile, and she smiled back.

"You wanna go and get something to eat?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure." She replied.

The two made their way to his car, he unlocked the doors and they got in. Starting the car, they got settled before he drove off.

"Where do you wanna eat?" He asked.

"Um, no clue, what do you want?"

JJ shrugged, which caused them to laugh.

He then decided to take her to eat at Olive Garden, one of the most popular Italian restaurants around.

"Dang, you love Italian food?" Jen asked.

"Yeah, do you?"

"Oh yeah!"

He laughed.

He parked the car and they got out, headed to the door. He smiled as he opened it and let her in, making her smile back at him. When they were seated, they flipped through the menu's deciding what to eat.

As dinner went on, the two talked more about their lives, friends, family, and for JJ, the life away from the spotlight. After dinner, they drove around for a bit, wondering where to go and what to do next.

"You wanna go watch a movie? or bowling? or something?" He asked.

"Movie sounds good. There's a few good ones out to pick from." She replied.


Once the movie (they had chosen The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) was over, they knew it was late and decided to head back home.

"Wow, that was some movie." Jen said.

"I know."

"Told you there were good ones playing." She said, laughing.

"Ha, yeah, I know."

"But really, that was some crazy story plot."

"Yeah, a guy born as an old man and grows younger. I don't get it."

"Neither do I, but Brad Pitt was just hot."

"Ha, though the main woman wasn't."

"I know, she's ugly! Though for some reason, I kind of recognized the baby that Brad's character and the woman had."

"Yeah, she did look familiar."

"Watch, I'll probably look it up when I get home."

"Did you know I was hit by lightening seven times?" Jen then mimicked one of the characters.

"I'm seven, but I look a lot older." JJ mimicked.

The two laughed as they talked about their favorite scenes from the movie and the parts that were not as great, but then again, the movie in general was really good.

He pulled up to her place after getting the directions from her and parked the car.

"This was fun."


They sat there, not knowing what to say next.

"So, um, I probably should go in." She said.

"Yeah, it's getting late."

"Thanks JJ."

"No problem."

"I'll talk to you tomorrow, I guess?"

"Um, yeah, you want me to call you?"

"Up to you, I don't know your schedule."

"Good point, I'll call you when I'm free, maybe plan another day?"




The two smiled at each other, she leant over and gave him a kiss on the cheek, before getting out and heading to her place. JJ smiled as he watched her walk away.

"Wow." He muttered, while he changed gears and drove off to his place.

Jen walked into the house, smiling. She couldn't believe she had that much fun with a guy, and not to mention the fact that during dinner, they got to know more about each other and found out they had some stuff in common.

"Hey girl!" She heard.

Jen snapped out of her thoughts and found the girls sitting in the living room, watching a movie, and eating ice cream.

"Jeez, what'd I miss?" Jen said, laughing.

"Just a girls night." Britt replied.

"How was your date?" Ash said, smiling.

"Date? What date?" Jen said, as she sat down with them.

"Come on, what do you call tonight?" Angel asked.

"Not a date, we were just hanging out."

"Well how'd it go?" Lainee asked.

"It was fun, we had dinner at Olive Garden, and then we went to a movie."

"Girl, that is so a first date." Ash said, laughing.

"To you it is, to me it's just hanging out with someone."

"So, anything happen?" Britt asked.

"Like what?"

"Did you guys get followed by paparazzi? or kiss?" Lainee asked.

"Um, not that I know of, I don't think anybody really saw us. And kiss? No way."

"Are you gonna see him again?" Ash asked.

"Don't know, he's gonna call tomorrow."

"Oooohhh girl!"

Jen laughed and rolled her eyes at them.

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