Chapter 10

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*A Month Later*

"Jeez, talk about news spreading fast. First Tiger Beat, then Bop and M, and J-14, now Popstar." Jen said.

"What?" Ash asked.

Jen handed her the latest Popstar magazine opened to a section. Ash looked over the page and saw what Jen read.


"NLT's member, JJ Thorne, was recently spotted out with a girl this past week. They were seen shopping, eating, and doing regular teenage things, however, what gave us the hint? They were holding hands most of the time. Who is she? She is JJ's current girlfriend. According to JJ, 19, he admitted that he and his girlfriend, Jen, 18, have made it official not long ago. They've been together as a couple for a month and this month will be their second anniversary; How'd they meet? When? At the mall one day two-three months ago, they kept in touch, and things went from there....................Check out the interview for more information."

"Dang, it keeps going!" Ash said, seeing how long the article was.

"I know, Popstar doesn't usually do that, they have more pictures than articles, but what I wanna know is how'd they know my age, I can understand my name cause he probably said it."

"Probably guessed it, they must have figured JJ was seeing someone his age or at least younger."

"Yeah, or he probably could've told them if they asked, just like the name thing."

"He could have. Though he actually came out with it?"

"Yeah, he asked me first though, he was worried about how I'd react and all. I said if he wanted to, he could, it's up to him."

"You do know that you're going to be followed now."

"I know. That's kind of the only thing I'm going to hate."

Ash and Jen went back to reading the article, however they read the interview that was given.

"Wow, JJ said a lot of things about you." Ash said.

"I know. I'm amazed. He makes it look like we've been together for a year."

"No kidding."

Jen felt her cell vibrate.



"JJ, what's up?"

"Just chillin' with the guys, you?"

"With Ash, reading an article in Popstar."

"About us, right?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"Kinda figured, I heard it was going to be out in this issue."

"Oh ok."

"So, any plans tonight?"

"Nope, you can come over though."

"What about the girls?"

"Well I know Travis and Kevin are taking Ash and Britt out, Lainee is meeting up with some friend of hers, and Angel is hanging out with Jesse McCartney."

"She actually met him?"

"Yeah, we were at his concert last night, I told you I was going."

"Right, I forgot, how was it?"

"It was fun, I mean, I've seen him like three times, never met him though."

"Did you meet him last night?"

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