Chapter 29

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"Alright guys, looks like there's a change of plans with the tour."

The four of them sat there, watching as their manager flipped through papers.

"Changes? What kind of changes?" Kevin asked.
"We've added extra shows to get you out there. We leave a week earlier than planned."
"Sick, where do we go?" V asked.

JJ looked down at his phone as the guys discussed the new gigs with their manager. He sighed, not knowing how he was going to tell his girlfriend about it. He dreaded the days they would be apart already, to throw another week? He knew that would be a killer. Seeing his screen light up, he smiled as her nickname came up. He glanced up at the guys, they were on to talking about the outfit changes for the sets. JJ opened up his text and saw a simple blue heart under her name. He gently shook his head while replying with the emoji that sent a kiss.

"JJ man, you alright?"

He heard, making him look up to see Travis glancing at him.

"Bro, you sure?"
"Dude, what do we tell the girls?"
"Tell them what?"
"T, seriously?"
"You mean the extra week? Man, don't stress. You don't have a thing to worry about."
"I'm not worried, I just hate the idea of being away from her," as he let out a small sigh, "she's wrapped up in school still."

Travis smiled and placed a brotherly arm around his best friend.

"Look man, when she's done with those finals, you'll fly her out for a week or whatever. It'll be fine. I can get Ash a ticket the same days."


"Jen, where are you?"
"At JJs why?"
"Still? Aren't the guys at work?"
"Yeah Ash, you do know you're dating his bandmate."
"Why are you still there?"
"Cause, I'm studying. It's quieter here."
"Oh shit, your finals."
"Are you gonna go on tour with him?"
"I don't know yet Ash, let me pass these exams before that happens."
"Ok, well I'll let you go. Are you coming tonight?"
"Honestly, probably not. I'll see though."
"Ok. Talk to you later."

Jen clicked the end call button on her phone. She turned the music back on as she went back to the study guide she had been trying to work on. Only problem was that she kept finding herself distracted. Sitting at her boyfriends desk, using his laptop, wasn't helping her. She knew she had to pass these classes or else it meant summer school instead of touring. Closing out of her Facebook account, she shut the Google site down; only thing displaying was his background. Looking at it, she smiled seeing a photo of them; she had that same photo as her phone background actually. As she looked down at the next question, she thought back to that moment.

"You know, I didn't think we'd make it this far."
"Whys that?"
"JJ, you're in a boyband. You could have any girl you wanted."
"And I do. You're my girl JenJen. That girl."

Jen looked up at Justin and smiled, biting her bottom lip, as she felt her cheeks blushing. She watched him lean in, knowing where it was going, as he pulled her body closer to him. Letting their lips meet in a kiss, she wrapped her arms around his neck, as he deepened the kiss.

"Aw, you guys are so cute!"

They heard a squeal come out; breaking the kiss, they looked over to see their friends coming over. They could hear Ash getting all excited. Jen looked up at JJ, seeing his eyes go from their friends and back to her. He smiled as he leant in and gave her a quick peck.

"Love you."

He simply whispered to her, pressing his forehead against hers. She smiled as she whispered the words back to him. Feeling her phone vibrate, she rolled her eyes, pulling away from her boyfriend. Grabbing her phone from her back pocket, she was a message from Ash containing an image. Opening it up, she smiled as Ash came over to her. Somehow, in that quick second, Ash snapped a photo of Jen and Justin looking at each other. She looked over at JJ and saw him glancing at his phone, then at her. He smiled.


Justin called, as he walked into his bedroom. He saw her sitting at his desk, her head glancing down, until he noticed her hand moving. He then realized she was writing in a notebook. Walking over to her, he spotted the blue earbuds, as she tapped her pen against the notebook. He smiled and placed his hands on her shoulders, leaning in and kissing her on the cheek. Seeing her look up in surprise, he let out a small chuckle. JJ watched her pull her headphones out as he stood there.

"You're back?"
"Yeah, how's the studying?"
"Don't ask, ugh, I feel like my head is sore."

Justin laughed as he took her hand in his and pulled her up from his chair. He lead her over to his bed. The two of them climbed in, he sat against his headboard while she took the spot in between his legs. He slipped his arms around her waist, his hands resting on her stomach. She laid her head against his shoulder while leaning up against his chest.

"How long have you been studying?"
"Since you left."
"No distractions?"
"JJ, you know me. Of course there was."

Jen heard her boyfriend laugh; she even felt the vibrations coming from his chest hitting her back. She smiled as she glanced down; their hands laced together. Nothing felt better for her than cuddling with the guy she was in love with.

"Ash called."
"What'd she want?"
"Asked where I was."
"I thought she knew?"
"You know her, she forgets."

"How'd the meeting go?"

JJ sighed, knowing he had to tell her eventually. He looked at her, seeing her glancing at him. He smiled and lent in for a kiss.

"JJ. Come on."

He heard her say as she let out a giggle. He smirked, pulling her into a deeper kiss. Feeling her break away, he watched her turn around, so that she was facing him, sitting on her knees.

"You really wanna know?"
"Well yeah. You can't ask about me only."

She commented as she poked him in his chest, making him laugh. He knew being away from her was going to be tough.

"Well we got some news, I guess it's good."

Justin sighed as he glanced down for a minute, wanting to find the words.

"JJ, what's going on?"
"They changed the tour dates. Added extra shows."
"That's awesome!"

Justin looked up at her confused, seeing her eyes shining. He let out a smile; knowing she supported him no matter what happens.

"What's wrong?"

He heard her softly ask then, her hands running up and down his arms.

"Being away from you longer."
"How many extra shows got added?"
"A weeks worth of tour."

JJ just nodded his head, glancing down.

"Well, it is good though. You'll get more fans."
"I've got my fan right in front of me."

He said, looking up at her with a smile. He watched as she flushed a shade of pink; knowing it was true. She was a fan of his band before they had even met. Now, he practically calls her his number one fan.

"When you finish your finals and you pass them, I'm bringing you out for at least a week."
"Oh really?"
"Yeah, you really think I wanna go months away from my favorite girl."
"Might have to babe."
"These finals will be the death of me."
"Nah, you're smart love. You'll do fine. I believe it."

Jen smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck; "I love you. You're the best."

Justin smiled and nodded, pulling her into a kiss. He let it deepen while letting his hands slide up her top a little bit. Breaking away, he looked at her, seeing her biting her bottom lip.

Justin kept his gaze with hers, as he pulled her top up more. He looked up at, knowing they've never really gotten to this part of their relationship yet. But it wasn't like he hadn't seen her figure before either. He somehow moved them so that he got on top of his girlfriend, as she laid under him. He slipped her top off and tossed it, revealing the zip up sports bra she had on. He watched her bite her bottom lip and her cheeks flushed to the bright pink, making him smile. He pulled his own shirt off and tossed it, before he lent down and kissed her.

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