Chapter 18

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*A Month Later*

"Hey Jen, what are you doing today?" Travis asked.

"Hey Trav, um, chillin' around the house I guess, why?"

"I was wondering if we could hangout, and maybe you can help me get something for Ash."

"Cause of Valentines day?"

"Yeah, I'm running out of ideas and well you're her best friend."

"I get it, I'd love to help."

"Great, thanks, I'll pick you up in an hour?"

"Alright. Whatever works for you."

"I'll get you in an hour, thanks again."

"No problem."

"You excited for Valentines day?" Travis asked.

"Um, yeah, I guess so."

"Ha, you don't know what JJ has planned, do you?"

"No, when do I ever know?"

"No idea. Not like I know what JJ does."

"Thanks for the help."

"Ha, sorry, but JJ is all secrets about you and him."

"I kinda hate that fact."

"Ha, oh well. I should get going though, so I'll talk to you soon."

"Alright, see ya in an hour!"

"Yeah, later."


"Who was that?" Jen heard.

"Hey Lainz, it was Travis."

"What'd he want?"

"He wants to hangout, and find something for Ash."

"For Valentines Day?"


"Ha, that's cute of him."


"You and Travis have been really close lately, what's going on?"

"Nothing Lainz, come on. He's got Ash, and I've got JJ. What would go on?"

"I don't know, just be careful when you two are out together. You and Trav might get in the paper as cheating on your partners."

"I know, but JJ won't believe any of that. Ash might be a problem, but I know JJ, he wouldn't believe a magazine article about his best friend hooking up with his girlfriend."

"You never know Jen, you never know."

Jen watched Lainee walk out of the room. She sighed knowing Lainee brought up a good point. Grabbing her phone, she flipped through her contacts and dialed his number.


"Hey JJ."

"Hey Jen, what's up?"

"Nothin', what are you doing?"

"Hangin' in my room. You sure you're ok?"

"Yeah, um, what are you doing later?"

"Depends, what time?"

"Um, I don't know, whenever you're free I guess."

"We could meet up in an hour."


"What do you mean?"

"Well, Travis and I made plans already."

"Oh. What are you doing with him?"

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