Chapter 12

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*JJ and Jen*

"So, what do you wanna do?" Jen asked.

"Up to you I guess." JJ replied.

"Why me?"

"Cause, it's your room."

"Yeah, but I don't know, I just listen to music or go on the computer."

"Or watch t.v." He said, seeing her television.

"Yeah, that too, but not as much as music."

He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards her bed. They laid down on it, he wrapped his arms around her as she did the same, wrapping her arms around him.

"We could just stay like this." He said.

"Ok, but I want music."


She reached over and grabbed her remote control for her stereo, and turned it on then pressed the CD button to play some music.

The first song came on and JJ didn't know who was playing.

"Who is this?" JJ asked.



"They're a group from Ireland, but popular all over the UK."

"Ireland? Where'd you even hear about them?"

"Um, no idea really, I never really know how I hear stuff, sometimes it's the t.v., other times its the radios, and other times its from friends or family."


He looked around at her walls, and at the large variety of posters on them of various celebrities she must like.

"Jen, are you obsessed with Zac Efron?"


"You have so many posters of him."

"Well he's hot."



"You said he's hot, what am I?"

"Well you're hot too, plus I have posters of you guys up."

"Yeah, what? three?"

"Well it's not my fault the magazines have Zac Efron more than you."

JJ just laughed as he held her closer while looking at some of the other celebrities she had on her walls.

"I wonder how many hours you spent on this?"

"Hours? Try days."


"Ha, just kidding, well not really, I usually did a good amount a day, but not like the whole day or whatever."

"This is crazy."

"I know, but I was bored, this is what I do."

"You buy magazines and tear out the posters and whatever?"

"Yeah, it's just I don't wanna paint the walls, that's just boring, unless I can draw, but I can't draw at all, so my thing is just to have fun and use pictures from Popstar or whatever teen magazine out there."

"Whatever makes you happy."

Jen smiled and gave him a kiss.

"Yeah, well posters aren't the only thing."

"Oh yeah, what else?"

"Music, friends,"



"How so?"

"I don't know, just being with you and all, it's just amazing, you're like the best boyfriend ever."

"Best ever?"

"Yeah, well I can't really say ever, cause you know, I told you while ago."

"I know. You're amazing too though, and I never thought I'd get a girlfriend as sweet and caring as you. And you've been here for me all the time. The fact you understand what I have to deal with and you're willing to take the risk. It amazes me cause not many girls can be like that."

"Well like I said before, I'm not like most girls."

"And that's what I like about you."

JJ smiled and leant in giving her another kiss. Jen smiled and let herself snuggle up in his arms.

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