Chapter 24

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"Hey sweetie."

Jen looked over to see her parents walking in with some guests.


"Jenny, these are the Walkers, Marianne, Scott, and their son, Aiden."

"Hi." The Walkers responded.


Her parents took the Walkers around the house for a tour, then joined Jen in the living room.

Jen sat there, listening to them talk about different things. She noticed how Aiden kept glancing over at her.

She grabbed her cell and played with it, keeping herself from being bored. She sent a text message to Ash, Travis and JJ, wondering who would reply.

"What's Up?" She read to herself, when she noticed her cell had vibrated; It was a message from Travis.

"Not much, bored. What are ya doing?" she responded.

"Workin' on some songs, have u talked to JJ at all?"

"Fun, not yet. I was gonna call him, but my rents came home w/ ppl."


"Not really, the dude keeps looking at me."


"T, seriously! I'm creeped out."

"So what do u xpect me 2 do?"

"Nothing I guess."


"Hey hun! Whatcha doing?"

"Nothin', chillin' at home, texting with T, you?"

"Fun, same thing."

"T is texting u 2?"


"Haha. Oh T!"

"I know, so what's up?"

"Not much, my rents have ppl over."

"That's cool."

"Kinda, I wish JJ was here, this dude keeps lookin' at me."

"Aaww, that's weird, who is he?"

"Idk, some new neighbor."

"Oh ok."

"Yeah, whatcha doing tonight?"

"Don't know, I might be with T."

"How? I thought he was at home?"

"He is, but we live close."

"Oh, right."

"Hey sexy!"

Jen smiled as she read the new text message she had just received.

"Hey hottie." She replied.

"What's up?"

"Not much, bored, waiting 2 talk 2 u, hbu?"

"Same, just talked to my rents."

"Oh, what about?"

"Us, u remember the way they're acting."

"Yeah, I remember. What happened?"

"It's bout u and T."


"Yeah, it's not that bad tho."

"Ok, tell me later, it's stupid to text it."

"Yeah, right."

"Jenny, honey, who is texting you?" Her dad asked.

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