Chapter 23

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*The Next Day*

"T, what's up?" JJ asked.

"Not much man, what you up to?" Travis replied.

"Same, meeting up with Jen in a bit."



"So what's the deal with your parents? She told me they're acting weird now."

"Yeah, I don't know, I'm trying to figure it out, but nothing comes to mind."

"Well it's Jen, she's never been in a relationship, so it can't be ex-boyfriends."

"I know, I just, she's told me everything from what I at least know."

"I think it's just some rumor fans brought up and your parents might think its true."

"Could be. One bad thing about us being with girls, the rumors tend to ruin everything."

"Yeah, but the girls know they gotta ignore them, cause they know the real deal."


"You think Jen was in a group before?"

"As in music?"

"Yeah, whatelse?"

"I don't know, but she never mentioned it."

"Who knows? I'm just saying."

"Yeah, I don't know. But I should get going and meet up with her."

"Alright, have fun."

"Yeah, later..."

"Hey Jen, what are you doing today?" Ash asked.

"Um, hanging with JJ for sure, why?"

"Just wondering, sounds fun though."

"I guess."

"You ok?"


"What's up?"

"I don't know, I'm just still confused about his parents reaction lately."

"Get over it, it's probably a dumb rumor.""

"Jeez you sound like Trav."

"Well duh, he is my boyfriend."

"Right, aren't you guys going to hangout?"

"Yeah, later tonight."




"You and Trav are in the mag."



Britt handed her the latest Popstar Magazine that was opened to a section about rumors and facts.

"Are Travis and Jen more than friends, secretly?" Jen read.

"Say what?" Ash asked.

"Keep going." Lainee said.

Jen nodded and read the paragraph about them.

"Travis from NLT was spotted hanging out with JJ's girl, Jen, at the park, shooting some hoops. The two of them seemed to be enjoying their time together as they were seen heading to the movies after the day at the park. So are there sparks between the two of them? Could they end up together in the future? Or Is it just a friendship? We asked Travis for the details, and here's what he had to say: "Jen and I are just friends, pretty much best friends. We hangout all the time but nothing is happening between us. Just cause we were at the park and the movies alone doesn't mean we're cheating on our partners. I love Ash, I wouldn't do anything to hurt her, plus I wouldn't want to lose her to her best friend. Jen's a great girl and I love her, but like a sister, she's happy with JJ and I know it."

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