Chapter 17

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*JJ and Jen*

"I missed you." Jen said, as she cuddled up in JJ's arms.

"I missed you too." JJ replied.

"Two weeks? How'd we go through it?" Jen asked.

"No clue, just texting and phone calls I guess. You know there will be times where it won't be just a week or two, instead it'll be a month or so." JJ said.

"I know, I know, I hate that idea though, but it's your career after all."

"Yeah, it sucks, but we can make it through, we're doing fine so far. How much can change?"

"No clue, I'm just, I guess I'm worried about it, like when you go away for months, what if you meet another girl? Someone who could be prettier? and smarter? or whatever?"

"Jen, that's not going to happen, no matter what, and why do you think negative thoughts about yourself? You're pretty and smart, and you've got a great personality. You know I hate hearing you say things about yourself, I like you for you. Other girls are either just pretty or smart or their personality is weird and they're weird."

"I guess."

"Come on, believe me, you really think you're going to lose me to another girl?"

"I know I'm not, but there's just a little thought that maybe it will happen one day, where you're away for a while, and one night you party with the guys, leave with some girl you met there, and the next day you're in papers and all saying you cheated. I don't want that to happen."

"And it won't. You know I'm always going to be here for you. I wouldn't do something stupid like that."

"Yeah, I guess it's just the rumors I hear about other celebrities, it's kind of getting to me in a way."

"That's what rumors are meant for. Ignore them, you ignore a lot of things, you're fine. You're amazing and you're handling my career like you're in the same career too. Not many girls can handle it."




"I love you."

Jen looked up at JJ in surprise. She wasn't expecting that, especially with the conversation they were just having. She knew she felt the same about him, actually, she knew she had fallen for him since day one. He wasn't her favorite NLT member anymore, he wasn't just a guy friend, he was her boyfriend, who had just told her what he felt.

"I, I love you too." she softly replied.

JJ smiled and leant in for a kiss. Jen smiled back at him, right before they kissed.

*The Next Day*

The guys had spent the morning with the girls, then headed back to their place in the afternoon as they had to go get ready for an interview, followed by a photoshoot.

*Ash and Jen*

The two girls sat in Ash's room, talking and just relaxing, planning on what they wanted to do that night.

"You ok hun?" Ash asked, looking at her best friend.

"Yeah, I guess."

"What's up?"

"Nothing, why?"

"You're quiet, and you never usually are. Did something happen with JJ?"

Jen sighed as she glanced down before looking back up at her best friend.


"What happened?"

"Um, well...He told me he loved me."

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