Chapter 15

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*The Premiere*

The guys smiled as they and the girls got out of the limo, and were immediately bombarded with camera flashes and questions.


Many of the photographers snapped photos of the pair walking together, holding hands, or with his arm around her waist, as they made their way with the rest of the guys and girls to where the premiere was being held.



"You know, I think we have the coolest couple nickname compared to our friends." Jen said, looking at JJ.

"Probably, it kind of does sound better than Kevney." JJ said.

"Yeah, that kind of sounds like kidney, but Travley isn't any better. I just realized something though."


"If they used Travis and Ash's name in, probably the correct way, their nickname would be Trashley."

"Trashley? As in like garbage?"

"Yeah, that's probably why they made it Travley."

"No wonder, you're right, Trav and Ash do spell Trash out when combined."

"Yeah, and like you and me would be Justifer."

"I think we'll stick with JusJen."

"Ha, add the "T" to your name, and it would be JustJen, and then it's about me, not you." She teased.

"Shut up." He said, laughing, as he leant in, giving her a kiss.

"HEY! Not in front of the paparazzi here."

"What does it matter? We can kiss all we want, we've been in magazines plenty of times for everyone to know."

"I know, it's just awkward."

"Alright, alright."

The girls looked around the premiere at the different teen celebrities that were there with their dates.

"OMG!" Jen gasped.

"What?" Ash asked.

"It's Thomas!"

"Who?" Britt asked, confused.

"Thomas, from Varsity Fanclub."

"OH! That hot guy you like." Lainee said.

"Wait, the guy with Bobby Edner in his group?" Ash asked.

"Yeah." Jen replied.

"OH! That means Bobby is here." Ash said.

"And Jayk!" Britt said.

"DREW!" Lainee said.

"We can't forget David." Jen added.

The girls all laughed at each others reactions. They noticed Varsity Fanclub came together as a group and posed for photos.

"AH! He's so hot!" Jen said, as she glanced at Thomas.

"Ha, girl, be careful, you don't want the reporters hearing you, you've got JJ now." Ash said.

"I know, I know."

"Hey Jen, isn't that Wes?" Lainee asked.

"Wes from V-Factory Wes?" Jen asked.

"I think so."

Jen looked over to where Lainee had, and noticed that it was Wesley Quinn.

"My god, it is!" Jen said.

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