Chapter 16

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*Two Weeks Later*

The guys had gone back to work on their album and get ready for an upcoming tour that they might have planned.

The girls had hung out together as usual, just doing the things they enjoy while they kept in touch with the guys.

*Friday Night*

The girls were hanging around their place, watching a movie while eating junk food - the typical teenagers night in.

They heard the doorbell go off, as they watched a movie.

"Who would that be?" Angel asked, confused.

"Probably the guys." Jen said.

Ash got up after Lainee had paused the movie, and went to open the door. Jen was right, it was the guys.

"Hey guys." She said, hugging and kissing Travis.

"Hey." They replied.

She let them in and shut the door.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, as they made their way into the living room.

"We were bored and wanted to come see you girls, since we haven't for two weeks now." V said.


The other girls looked over and saw the guys. Britt smiled as she got up and made her way over to Kevin, wrapping her arms around him, giving him a hug, while leaning in for a kiss. Lainee and Angel rolled their eyes as they saw Britt all loved up with Kevin, and Ash still had Travis' arms around her.

"New hair color JJ?" Lainee asked, seeing it.

Jen looked over hearing that, and noticed that he had changed his hair color, he wasn't a blonde anymore, he was a brunette.

"What the?" Jen said, looking at her boyfriend.

JJ just shrugged his shoulders.

"Felt like changing it." He replied, as he walked over and sat down next to his girlfriend.

She sent him a smile and moved closer to him, he slipped his arms around her.

"I still liked you blonde." Jen said, making the others laugh.

"Well you'll just have to deal with it for a while." JJ said, giving her a kiss.

"I know, I didn't say I hated it, I said I liked you as a blonde." She replied, as his grip around her tightened just a little.

The group hung out together for a few more hours just catching up with the guys and watching television for a bit. They then split up, the guys with their girls, wanting some alone time with them. V hung out with Lainee and Angel though in the living room, watching more television, since none of them were in relationships at the time.

*Kevin and Britt*

"Kev, this is hard."

"What is?"

"Being away from you all this time."

"Britt, it's been two weeks. Wait till I'm away for months."

"Don't remind me."

"You know it's gonna happen soon. We're working on a tour right now. It's coming up in a couple months."

"I know. I'm gonna hate that we have to be away from each other."

"Me too."

"So, um, what do we do?"

"We just have to deal with it and survive it. I mean, we can talk on the phone, online, and you know."

"Yeah, but it won't be the same. I can't imagine not being with you, and you holding me and all that."

"I know, it'll be weird but we're just gonna have to get used to it. You know that."

"I guess so."

"We'll be fine Britt, we will."

"I know. I'm just wondering how this will work."

"Yeah I know, but we just need to give us time, like everyone else gives each other."


Kevin pulled her closer to him and let his arms wrap around her waist. He leant in and gave her a kiss, hoping it would make her feel better.

As he looked at her when he pulled away, he noticed a smile forming, making him smile as well. He leant in again, and gave her another kiss, as she kissed him back.

"You're amazing." He muttered.

"No, you are." She replied, smiling.

"Britt, don't start this lame fight." He said, laughing.

"Well it's true, you are."

"Fine, whatever. I don't wanna get into arguing over who's amazing."

"You're no fun sometimes." She joked.

"Hey! I am too."

"Yeah? Then prove it?"

Kevin smirked and rolled her over so that she laid under him. He then smiled as he let his hands slide up her top and began tickeling her. She squealed before laughing and tried to get him to stop.

"That's not fun! That's torture!" She squealed.

"No, it's fun."

"For you it is, all guys tickle us girls."

"Yeah, and it makes you laugh, and I love hearing you're laugh."

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