Chapter 32

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"I'll miss you"

"I'll miss you!"

"I'll miss you more."

"NO, I'll miss you more!"

"UGH, both of you just shut the hell up. You're gonna see each other TOMORROW."

Britt said as she tossed a pillow in Ashley's direction, who was saying goodbye to Travis. The one thing Britt couldn't stand was the constant lovey-dovey talk that happened between Ash and Trav. It was bad enough they basically spent 24/7 with the guys when they weren't busy, but to her, listening to Travis and Ashley talk was driving her mad. No lies, she was happy for her friends, because she wouldn't have Kevin in her life; just, sometimes it was too much. Like a headache that never wanted to leave. 

"Britt, wait till we tour with these dudes."

Lainee, who came in with a couple cans of soda, said as she took a seat by V and Angel. 

"Don't test me!" Britt squealed.

The group laughed as Britt grabbed a pillow and hid behind it; the thought of touring with two lovebirds made her feel......crazy?

Travis smiled as he pulled Ashley onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her waist; giving her a kiss, "I love you more than anything in this world."

Ashley giggled, as Travis pushed her brown hair out of her face, revealing her green eyes. She knew she was in love with him, and nothing would change that, not that easy at least. His piercing brown eyes gazed at her through his black locks that fell over them, the dimple smirk on his face, made her stomach turn into butterflies. 

"When do we pack for tour?"

"Monday, we have the whole weekend to do things before we gotta leave."

Lainee looked around the room, seeing Britt and Kevin had moved closer to each other and were talking, while V and Angel were just awkwardly sitting there with her. She sighed, cause she knew that her and Angel would never be able to bring their boyfriends on tour. It wouldn't feel right to drag those guys on a tour they had no relation to at all; especially since she and Angel barely were getting to go, if it wasn't for V, that is. Feeling a vibration, she glanced down at her phone to see a text from her boyfriend. She smiled and got up, wanting to call him. There was no way possible that she wanted to talk to him with the rest of them there, listening in on her conversation. If Brittney had to get annoyed by Travis and Ashley, she couldn't even picture what would happen with her and her boyfriend.

"Lainz, where are you going?"

"Be back in a few, I just have to make a call."

Lainee replied as she headed up the stairs to her room, knowing they would get really nosey and curious about who she was talking with and what about. 

"Hey baby!"

"Took you long enough."

Lainee smiled, rolling her eyes as she could hear the laughter in his voice; she always let him tease her even if it wasn't funny to her. There was just something about him that she enjoyed though. Something she couldn't put her finger on, but he was that boy to her. That boy; just like Travis was to Ashley, Kevin to Britt, and Justin to Jen. She had someone who could her call her that girl; his girl. 

"Sorry, you know my friends."

"Oh do I?"

"Baby! Don't start. It's been rough these last couple hours."

"Are you really gonna go on that tour babe?"

"I, uh, I don't know, why?"

"I guess I just don't want you to leave me. I don't want you doing drugs and having sex with random dudes."

"Oh hunny, I am not the one in the band here! It's just a friend's band."

"Ok, what if you hooked up with one of them by accident? Got so drunk or high, that you didn't know what you were doing."

"Hun, I don't have to go, I could stay, spend time with you."

"I'm not gonna stop you love, if you wanna have fun, go for it, you deserve to enjoy yourself too."

"I know, but I'm saying, I don't have to go with them."

"Would you regret it?"

"Regret what?"

"Not going? You always said you wanted to tour with a band. I'm not in one anymore."

"Hey, if it means making you happy, I wouldn't care. You realize if they are all away on tour, you and I get my place to myself."

"Oh? And what would we do?"

"I don't know, you tell me."

"I think you know babe."

Lainee could feel her cheeks flush a shade of red, just talking about the things they would do made her blush. She brushed her blonde hair out of her face, as she couldn't figure out what to say. 

"Got you tongue-tied love?"

"Uh, maybe."

"Hm, come on baby, tell me what you want."

His husky voice came through, making her blue eyes widen; the only time she hears that husky tone is when he wanted to be seductive. And for him, being seductive meant getting pretty flirty, something she was never really used to with anyone. 

"Baby, I want you, so bad. I need your touch, right now."

"Don't start hunny-pie, I need to get back to my friends."

"Oh baby, come on now, we just started talking, you can't leave me now."

"Fine, ten minutes!"

"Wanna switch to video chat then?"

"Who do you think Lainz is talking to?"

"Does it matter Britt?"

"I'm just asking."

"You really wanna ask? You just sat here annoyed with Travis and Ashley."

"Whatever, don't have to be so rude!"

Britt got up and walked towards the kitchen; while the remaining five just sat there. 

"Angel, why do you always have an attitude with things?"

"What? I'm just saying, she was being bitchy about you guys, like who says she needs to whine about Lainee's relationship? You don't see us complaining about her and Kevin over here."

"Ang, still, you don't have to nag at her with an attitude."

Kevin stepped in, as he stood up and headed over to where his girlfriend had gone. He knew it wasn't going to be easy with the group of friends having inner ties the way they all do. Dating in the scene was complicated enough, dating your own friends though? Wasn't as easy as it seemed. He sighed, seeing her sitting at the table flipping through one of those girly magazines. 

"Britt, you alright?"

He questioned, as her bright blue eyes gazed back at him, her blonde hair surrounding her face. He let out a smile, as he took her features in; to him, she was that girl. Nobody else compared.

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