Chapter 6

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JJ pulled into the driveway, got out, locked his car, and headed to his place. He opened the door to hear the guys talking and laughing.

"What's up guys?" He asked, walking into the living room.

"Hey man, did you have fun?" Travis asked.

"Yeah, it was cool."

"What'd you guys do?" Kevin asked.

"Dinner and movie."

"First date? Nice." V said.

"Huh? We just hungout, it wasn't a date."

"Right, sure it wasn't."

"You guys are impossible."

"Man, relax, you know we're just messing with you." Travis said, laughing.

"So do you like her?" Kevin asked.

"Like as in friends?"

"Whatever way you wanna take it."

"Um, yeah, she's a cool girl, it's just one night though."

"So there are going to be others." V said.

"Don't know, maybe, maybe not."

He smirked as he made his way up the stairs to his room.

*The Next Day*

Jen sat in her room, listening to music, as the events from last night replayed in her mind, making her smile. She felt her cell vibrate, causing her to break from her thoughts. Pulling her cell out, she glanced at the name on the screen, and smiled.


"Hey Jen, what's up?"

"Bored, you?"

"Ha, not much, in the studio."

"Recording songs? Or rehearsal?"

"Both, you really can't seperate them that much."

"Fun, and true I guess."

"Yeah, either way, we have to practice the song and the choreography."

"Yeah, um, quick question?"


"Do you think anybody saw us last night? Like fans of yours or paparazzi?"

"Um, not sure, though if they did we'd probably be on the news or in the papers by now."

"I guess."

"It'll be fine, I can easily just tell them we're friends, so when do you wanna hangout again?"

"Um, well, if you want tonight's fine? or tomorrow?"

"Tonight? Um, yeah that's cool."

"You sure? I mean, we don't have too."

"It's fine, I get out around three, plus I wanna see you again."


"Sorry, I should go, the girls wanna have some girl time."

"Alright, how about I pick you up around five and we can do something."

"Yeah, alright. See ya."

"Yeah, bye."


JJ and Jen hung up, both smiling.

"JJ, man, what are you doing tonight?"

"Just made plans with Jen."

"The fan?"


"Jeez, you went out last night, and now tonight?"


"No reason, though you must like her a lot to go out again, especially this soon."

"I guess so."

The girls went to the mall and did some shopping, unlike the day before. After that, they decided to hang around the house, they went outside where they had a pool and hot tub.

"So Jen, who were you talking to earlier?" Ash asked, smiling.

"It was JJ." Jen said.

"Oh girl! He likes you." Lainee said, laughing.

"Yeah, for them to talk the next day. There's something." Ash said.

"Why is it hard for a guy and girl to hangout?" Jen asked.

"Well, it just is. No guy would wanna be friends with girls without you know." Angel said.


"So, when are you seeing him?" Britt asked.


"WHAT?" The girls exclaimed.

"That soon?" Ash asked.

"Dang, he must really like you to see you this soon. Guys never see me the next day, they wait like a week." Lainee said.

"I know, right? What guy actually sees a girl right after their first night out?" Britt asked.

"My god, he's just a guy." Jen said.

"A guy? Girl, he's from a hot band, and he's obviously taken some interest in you to see you tonight, especially after spending time with you last night." Ash said.

"So what? He's just a regular guy. Yeah he maybe famous, but I see him as himself."

"Well that's cause you're getting to know who he really is."

"Good point."

The girls laughed.

"What time you guys meeting up?" Lainee asked.

"He's picking me up around five."

"Picking you up? Girl, he's deff going to be asking you out soon." Ash said.


"Ash has a point, if a guy offers to pick a girl up, then there's something going to happen, maybe not right away but eventually." Britt said.

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