Chapter 26

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"JJ man, you busy tonight?"

Travis asked, as the guys were taking a break from rehearsal.

The guys had been in the studio for two months working on new music and routines for the upcoming tour. For being a boyband, they needed to promote. And by promoting, their label needed to get them out there, performing their material and interacting with their fans. It was about time NLT hit the road to determine their future in the industry.

"No. What's up?"
"I was thinking, you wanna take Ash and Jen out someplace? Maybe invite them on the tour?"
"Dude. You know they have jobs and school."
"How are they going to leave those for a tour?"
"They could probably take some time off."
"Have you even told Ash you're leaving for 3 months?"
"No. Kind of my reason to do it tonight."
"Dude we leave in a month!"
"Have you told Jen?"

JJ froze, realizing he never did mention it to his girlfriend. Or if he had, he forgot when he did.

"Shit. I forgot it was this close. I might have told her months ago."
"Then remind her tonight. What do you plan on doing without her for 3 months?"
"You know it's not the first time we've toured while dating them dude."
"It wasn't easy though either. Endless calls and texts. Days that we got too busy to hear them."

JJ sighed before taking a drink from his water bottle. Travis had a point; it was hard being on tour and dating someone. The schedules were different, the time zones were different. It made it hard to talk to his girlfriend every day or night; even if they tried it still wasn't easy. He hated the nights he couldn't hear her voice. And during the day, with her being in school, and him doing interviews and rehearsals; it sucked really. As fun as touring seemed, it had him on little to no sleep but busy enough to not be on his phone with her for more than five to ten minutes if he's lucky.

"Fine. Are they busy though?"
"Ash said they were staying in for a movie night. Britt, Lainee and Angel were going to some school related thing."

JJ heard his phone going off, hearing the familiar ringtone he gave his girlfriend. Rushing over to his bag, he dug around in it to find his phone.

"Hey babe!"

He smiled when he answered his phone.

"What's up?"
"Nothin', just wanted to see how rehearsal was."
"It's alright. What are you up to?"
"Just got done with my last class not too long ago."
"Good. How's that going?"
"Typical really. Finals are coming up soon."
"How soon?"
"I don't know, few weeks?"
"Just wondering. You need to study babe."
"JJ, come on."
"Never mind."
"Look, you free tonight?"
"I'll pick you up. We can hangout. Grab dinner."
"Ok, sounds good."


"Gotta go babe, love you. See you tonight."
"Love you too."

He heard her say before he ended the call and put his phone away. He smiled and rushed over to the other guys and their choreographer. He knew it was going to be a long last couple hours of rehearsal. They had to get everything right before the tour started.


"Hey JenJen!"
"Hey Ash."
"Did JJ tell you?"
"Huh? Tell me what?"
"About tonight?"
"What about it?"
"I thought....well Trav said we were going out."
"Yeah the four of us."
"Oh. No. JJ just asked me if I was doing anything."
"Leave it to him to not go over it."
"Ash. He's at rehearsal. His focus is on his music."
"I guess."
"What exactly did Travis plan?"
"I don't know. He told me we were doing dinner and to dress appropriate for it."
"Oh no, don't tell me he chose some fancy kinda place."

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