Chapter 7

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*That Evening*

Jen sighed as she was in her room trying to figure out what to wear. JJ was picking her up in an hour, and she still had no clue what to wear, considering she wasn't sure what they were doing.

She finally decided to wear a pair of jeans with gems on the upper part (where the pockets were), and her favorite black shirt that had "No Music No Life" written on it. She then put her accessories on, perfume, and tied her hair into a loose ponytail after brushing it, then put a headband (one of those beaded types that's a full circle).

She heard the doorbell, which made her slightly smile as she figured it was him. She grabbed her purse and placed whatever she wanted in it: cell, wallet, lip gloss, gum, and well her ipod just for the fun of it.

"Jen, JJ's waiting downstairs." She heard Ash say.

Jen glanced over at Ash and smiled.

"God, Ash, I don't think I've ever been this nervous."

"Ha, relax Jen, like you said, he's just a guy."

"I know, but that talk we all had earlier, about him interested. It just made me think more about it."

"Don't worry about it hun, you know we're just messin' with ya. He seems like a great guy, just take things slow."

"I know."

The two girls made their way downstairs talking and laughing.

Jen glanced over to see JJ standing there talking with Britt. He looked over and smiled seeing her.

"Well Britt, let's go. We got some girly things to take care of." Ash said, pulling Britt towards the stairs and heading up.

"Hey." JJ said, smiling.

"Hey." Jen replied.

"You ready?"


They headed out, she shut the door, and then made their way to his car.

"So, where are we going?" She asked.

"Um, I was thinking of going for a drive. There's a place I wanna take you to, but it's a bit far."


The drive took about two hours, considering the highway had traffic at that time.

"Sorry, usually it's an hour drive." JJ said, looking at her, as they sat there.

"It's fine, at least it's not like you're alone or anything."

"True, plus we are using the time to talk more about each other."

"Yeah, in two days we know like everything from birthdays to families to likes and dislikes."

"I know, I never thought I could meet someone like you."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Um, well, fans, they're hard to trust. And I know I probably shouldn't trust you right away, but for some reason I can, I just, you're easy to talk to. You're not like most girls."

He pulled up to the spot and smiled. It was a small cabin with an over view of the ocean.

"Wow, JJ, this is amazing." Jen said, seeing the cabin.

"Yeah, I used to spend my summer here, get away from everything, and just relax."

"Used to? You don't come here anymore?"

"I try to, but with NLT now, there isn't much time, and usually my free time is with the guys anyways."

"Oh, ok, that makes sense."

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