Chapter 21

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"So, what's the plan for tonight?" Britt asked, as they ate their plates.

"Well, after this, we were thinking of heading to the beach, then splitting off as couples, and hangout for a bit." Kevin said.

"Ooohh the beach! I'm excited." Britt said, smiling.

"You always get excited for the beach." Jen pointed out, before taking a sip from her Virgin Strawberry Daqueri.

"Who wouldn't girl? It's the beach." Ash said, drinking out of her Virgin Pina Colada.

"Yeah yeah, like I don't hear stories about getting laid on the beach at night." Jen said.

"WHAT?" Travis and JJ exclaimed.

Jen glanced towards Travis and JJ to see their surprised reactions.

"What? You guys never heard stories about that?" Jen asked.

"No." They both replied.

"Oh come on! That's the easiest place to get a girl laid, it's romantic and what girl wouldn't wanna do it?" Britt said.

"Damn Britt." Kevin said, getting surprised as well.

"Since when was getting laid on the beach romantic?" JJ replied, glancing over at Britt.

"I don't know, the fact that you're alone, and all you hear is the ocean's waves hitting against the rock while laying under the shining moon and stars. It just gives you the romantic mood." Britt replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"And Jen, how did you hear about these stories?" Travis asked.

"Friends from school, where else?"

"No wonder." JJ muttered.

"What?" Jen said.

"Just, I'm surprised you're apart of those conversations."

"Um JJ, it's school, pretty much everyone talks about it, and secondly, I don't know why my friends talk about it infront me."

"Relax JJ, it's not like she's apart of it completely, you know she probably just sits there and listen." Ash said.

"Thanks Ash, you make me sound like a little girl."

"Well come on, you usually do when it's a topic you don't like talking about."

"Good point."

"Anyways, Jen, you excited for next week?" Travis asked.

"For what? My birthday?"

"Duh! What else would he be talking about?" Ash asked.

"I don't know."

"Well are you?"

"I guess, I don't know, it's just nineteen."

"Well you'll be our age for a while." JJ said.

"JJ, you and Travis are gonna be twenty in July."

"So, that's about five months from now."

"Still, you guys are older no matter what."

"How are we arguing about age all of a sudden?" Kevin asked."

"No idea actually." Britt said.

"Yeah, kinda random." Ash said.

The group laughed as they glanced over at each other.

They finished off the rest of dinner with dessert and the guys paid the check, each for them and their girlfriend. They then headed back to Kevin's car and drove off to the beach.

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