Chapter 4

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The next morning, the guys were getting ready for their upcoming weeks band schedule. Talking and figuring out the times they had to wake up and go sleep. The four of them lived together in an apartment, where each of them had their own room for privacy reasons. Their manager had provided the place for them basically, as a reward for their hard work over the last year.

JJ sighed as he sat there in his room, on his bed, wondering if he should call her or wait for her to call him. He did think about what the other guys had told him - they could be right: there is a chance he met a fan who is trying to get on his good side and then end up putting him in the paper of a made-up story about them hooking up and all.

He grabbed his cell and went through his contacts, finding her name. He was nervous enough as he stared at her name, wondering whether he should dial or not. Finally making his mind up, he pressed the send button and put his phone to his ear. He laid down, not knowing how the conversation would happen or if she would even answer him. He had no idea what drew him to her. He just couldn't get that girl out of his mind.


"Hey Jen."

"JJ, hey! What's up?"

"Not much, just hanging around. You?"

"With the girls, but nothing really."

"Well you wanna hangout? Get to know each other better?"

"Um, sure, I'd like that."

"What time are you free?"

"Pretty much from now till whatever time."

"Well I've got an interview in about an hour and I think it lasts for two, but other than that I'm done, so we could, uh, meet up someplace around 6?"

"Hm, yeah, that sounds good. What do you have in mind?"

"Um, I don't know really, probably dinner and just hang out."

"Ok, um, what about the park? We could meet up there."

"Yeah, sure, that's cool."

"Alright, so 6 at the park?"


"Good luck with that interview."

"Thanks, later."


The two hung up. JJ smiled and thought about her. That Girl. He wondered if things were going to be really good between them or would they end up the way it usually does - her lying to him and winding him up and then end up in the paper with some made-up story. He knew he was afraid of getting hurt being around a girl who liked his band, but at the same time, he has dated celebrity girls in the past and got hurt or hurt them. So either way, there wasn't really a whole lot difference between celebrity girls and fangirls. Stories will be stories, rumors will always be spread.


Jen hung up and lightly smiled, not noticing her friends staring at her.

"What are you so happy about?" Ash asked, seeing her best friend's smile.

"That was JJ."

"Ooohhh, what'd he want?" Angel asked, as she and the other two girls joined in.

"He wants to hangout tonight."

"Aaww, that's so cute!" Britt said.

"Girl, you better be careful though, you know how the paparazzi are." Lainee said.

"I know, I know."

"Can you believe how lucky you are? You met some hot guy, who happens to be famous and he asks you to hangout." Britt said.

"No kidding, is this some surprise? or a dream?" Jen asked, laughing.

"Really, who knows? You're getting lucky though." Ash said laughing.

"I know, it's weird."

"When you and him get close, you better introduce us to his friends." Lainee said, laughing.

"Ha, I could just ask him that tonight, see if they want to meet you girls."

"Well, think about it, would you want to hook up your friends with a random guy's friends without knowing him that well?"

"Eh, good point. I wouldn't even dare try that."

"Then just wait, unless he brings it up."


"So what are you going to wear?" Britt asked.


"Come on, you have to dress up."

"No way! Plus it's not a date, we're just hanging out."

"Where are you going?" Ash asked.

"To the park, and then dinner."

"So, at least dress appropriate for dinner." Britt said.

"Not happening, you know I hate getting dressed up."

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