Coming Back

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Normal POV

"Wait Kazuko!!" Inuyasha yelled, Kazuko stopped and slowly looked at him with an eyebrow. "W-Where are you going?" he asked. "I just came here to help Kagome and now that she is ok, I'm leaving...". "But why? Why are you leaving? Why you don't want to stay with us... with me?!?!" Kazuko didn't answer, she clenched her fist and tried to not look at him, it hurt her, it hurt her so much...

"You and I know that I am different... we shouldn't be friends... if I stay with you, you will get hurt or even worse, I could kill you..." she was holding the tears almost falling over. "You know that I don't care what happened in the past... you should already know that I am going to protect you".

"You don't get it... you just don't get it..." Kazuko thought.

*Seems like Kazuko have something more darker in her childhood than we thought guys!! What is she hiding?...*

Memories about Inuyasha and herself in the past flashed through her mind, there were so many to count, then memories about them with Kikyo appeared.

"Now that I remember... Inuyasha has been always in love with Kikyo... and I can't blame him for that..." she chuckled. "Maybe I do have feelings for him... but he's not going to accept them, if he is happy with her then I should support him even if we are not together, I shouldn't be trying to escape from reality instead..." another memory about Inuyasha came. "Inuyasha has been on my side all the time when we were kids and we protected each other..." her smile faded. "But... Kagome..." she starts to remember Inuyasha and Kagome holding hands. "I feel betrayed... I can't stop this feeling of anger in her... nevertheless, I can't blame any of them, not even her..." she turned to see him a little.

"I disappeared during fifty years and Kagome have accomplished my job of taking care of him perfectly while I wasn't there for him... I can't be mad at them forever" she smiled. "And I notice in his eyes that he needs me but... should I go with him?...".

"Miss Kazuko!!!" someone screamed. Kazuko turned around. "Rin?" she said. "Oh shit! I completely forgot I left them!!! What is Sesshomaru going to tell me? He's gonna yell at me?" Sesshomaru walked to her followed by Rin, Jake and A-Un, he didn't looked pretty happy, well, he's never happy...

"SESSHOMARU?!?!" Inuyasha said confused and surprised. "Inuyasha..." he said in a low tone that was difficult to hear, then he turned to Kazuko while she looked away with eyes full of blame. "Kazuko... what are you doing here?" he demanded. "I was fighting with a dark priestess but she escaped" she said, he didn't said anything... which, of course, was killing Kazuko... and me lol. "Let's go..." he said and started to walk, Kazuko didn't moved... "What I'm gonna do?" Kazuko thought, she turned to Inuyasha and then to Sesshomaru.

"Kazuko, what is he talking about?" Inuyasha demanded. "She must have been traveling with Sesshomaru, isn't it Kazuko?" Miroku asked, Kazuko was sweating and gulped while nodding. "You were with him the whole time?!? Kazuko, he's dangerous!!!" Inuyasha screamed. "He's not!!!" she yelled back. "How do you know that?!" he yelled again. "Because..." before she could say it, she thought that it was better not telling them how kind he acted with both her human side and herself, it could be a big issue for him dealing with Inuyasha's sarcasm and jokes about his softy side.

"Because he's only being dangerous to protect himself" she said, dang it hope he believe it. "That doesn't explain why you were with him" dang it!! Kazuko is in problems!!. "She was with me because I ordered her but I don't need her anymore so... you can leave" Sesshomaru said looking at both, Kazuko noticed that his tone become darker when he said those last words. "But Mister Sesshomaru!!" Rin screamed pulling his clothes.

"Stop it Rin" he said and continued walking with Jaken next to him, Rin looked at Kazuko and waved at her, Kazuko made a small smile and waved back.

Kazuko turned into Natsuki and started to walk away to the village with Inuyasha behind her. Natsuki didn't talked the whole way back which didn't bothered her because she didn't wanted after what happened.

When they arrived to Miss Kaede's house, everything was silent, the whole group was sitting around the wood fire and Natsuki was outside sitting in the top of a tree. "Well... looks like we are back" she said. "Yeah... feels kinda weird seeing everybody again, I already get used to be with Rin praying for us to tell her a bedtime story" Kazuko joked and Natsuki giggled. "You are right, she is like a little sister" what seemed positive turned negative. "What do you think we should do about the whole thing? Everybody seems pissed off about us leaving them" Natsuki rubbed her neck. "Well let's just face the consequences, we can't do anything to fix it, what is done, is done" she said, Natsuki nodded.

"Natsuki..." someone called, Natsuki looked down and saw her cousin. "Kagome you shouldn't be here, you should be resting for the curse that Tsubaki gave you". "I have to talk to you, can you come down?" she ignored the comment, Natsuki sighed and went down. Suddenly, Kagome jumped and hugged her sobbing, Natsuki didn't moved and tried to look at Kagome'a eyes. "You idiot... how could you leave just like that?... do you even know how worried was mom, grandpa and Sota?!?! We were so worried and scared that something could had happened to you!!" she continued holding her clothes, Natsuki haven't moved yet, it was a complete shock seeing her cousin in those conditions. "I'm sorry Kagome... but I had to do it for Kazuko even if it meant leaving all my family... she's part of me and most of her life she was alone and I never knew about her existence... that's why I want to support her" Natsuki said hugging her with one arm and the other in her head. Soon, everybody were there watching them, Inuyasha never stopped looking at Natsuki with eyes full of relief, he was glad that both stayed. Natsuki noticed Inuyasha's look and separated from Kagome to walk to him, the she jumped over him transformed into Kazuko hugging Inuyasha by the neck, while Inuyasha accepted the hug and closed his eyes feeling the warmth between them. "I was so worried Kazuko... please don't leave me ever again... please" he said, Kazuko smiled. "I won't..." she said and closed her eyes.

At morning, Kagome said she perceived the pearl which makes them leave and check if it was Tsubaki. They saw an energy field and then two girls, one with brown and short hair wearing red clothes and the other with blue and long hair wearing baby blue clothes. "We will not let you guys continue!! Tsubaki is our superior" the red one said, completely obvious that she lied to them. "You are monsters so we have to exterminate you!!!" the other said pointing to Inuyasha. "Ladies ladies, I think we should explain you what is happening here..." somehow Miroku appeared between both girls rubbing their butts, nasty... but I admit it was funny how both girls slapped him leaving red hand marks in his face (you deserve for touching every girls' ass, Miroku!) "Look what you did Miroku! Now they misunderstood us!!" Kagome said. "We can see for your appearance that you are monk!!" they pointed at him. "And you an exterminator!!" then to Sango. "And you two-!!" they stopped after looking at Natsuki's and Kagome's clothes. "They're clothes are strange!" the red one said. "But they must have spiritual powers" the one replied, they got up and pointed again. "Priestesses!!!" Natsuki and Kagome rubbed her neck and laughed awkwardly. "Well I'm not going to deny it..." Natsuki's whispered.

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