A Moment Of Love And Tears

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Inuyasha's POV

I found my friends in the ground, they were unconscious, and no one seemed to moved, I looked at Kagome noticing that she was somehow awake. "Kagome! Kagome, what happened?" I asked while holding her in my arms. "Don't worry, we are just... tired..." I looked at the house and I noticed that Natsuki was not here. "Kagome, where is Natsuki?!" I asked her. "She... she's..." she couldn't finish, she lost conscious again.

"Natsuki where are you?"

Natsuki's POV

My eyes were opening, the sunlight was right in front of me, where am I?. I used the palm of my hand to cover my face, two faces were covering me instead, it was Rin and A-un. "Ah Miss Natsuki! You finally wake up!" she hugged me, but I too confused to hug her back. "R-Rin?... h-how? How did I get here?..." I asked her. "Mister Sesshomaru did it! He noticed you were poisoned and brought you here so Mr. Jaken could treat you". "Treat me? Sesshomaru did it for me?" I thought.

"Ah you are awake!" Jaken appeared looking at me. "You are lucky that I know a treatment to cure strong poison like this one, it was difficult... but it caused an effect, for now you have to rest" I stood up and stretched my arms. "Thanks Jaken, you did save me" I smiled at him, and he only huffed me back, he hasn't changed at all...

Wait... MY FRIENDS!!!

"Do you know where are Inuyasha and the others?" I asked them. "We don't care where could that dumb of Inuyasha be" Jaken answered. "I have to find them!" I tried to stand up but Jaken stopped me. "No you can't foolish girl, the treatment is still working in your body, I told you, you have to rest". "But-". "No buts!".

"Please stay miss Natsuki, Mr. Sesshomaru saved you! I think the least you should do is rest for him" Rin told me while holding my arm, she's right... he saved me and I should do what they say... "Fine I'll stay... where is Sesshomaru?". "He's over there!" Rin pointed at him sitting in a tree not so far from us. "I'll be right back..." I said and walked to where he was.

"Sesshomaru..." I called him. He seemed to be sleeping, and he looked so cute... I felt my cheeks burning when I said that. Why I'm saying this when I'm with him?!?. "Sesshomaru I want to thank you for saving me, you had done this many times to me and Kazuko, thank you" I leaned to him and just kissed him on his cheek, when I separated, he was looking at me, kind of shocked... Oh god, is he mad?!? He's going to kill me?!?!.

"Umm I-I I-!!!" I stepped back, covering my head and waiting for him to do something, but never happened. I looked at him and he haven't changed his position. "Umm, I'm sorry I thought you were asleep..." I was playing with my fingers while shaking, this is just an habit for me to do when I'm nervous. "Why did you do that?" he asked still in his calm state. "I was just giving you this as a 'thank you' for saving me all the times I was in danger, but if it bothered you then I won't do it again...". I started to walk back with Jacken and Rin.

"It didn't bothered.." he said.

I looked at him back. We were staring at each other, none of us dared to look at other side. His eyes were so beautiful, it was hard for stop looking at them. "Did you thought I was going to do something?" he asked. "Well I thought you were going to get all crazy and try to kill me". "I only do that when my enemies are annoying me". "And who could be those enemies?". "Whoever tries to defeat me...". "And your little brother".

"Why do you hate him so much? What have he done to make you dislike him?" I asked him. "I don't have to tell you" I frowned, rude... "Is it because he's a half demon?". "He's weak being a half blooded" I was getting pissed by that answer. "Well you know, Kazuko is a half demon too and you don't seem to look at her he same way as Inuyasha!!" I pointed at him, he was quiet for what I said.

"Is it also because of being part human? Do you hate humans that much?" I asked. He didn't answered. "Sesshomaru, humans are not that bad, maybe you met his mother and you have to recognize that she was a kind woman until her death". "All humans are a disappointment, others are too fool to believe in what a demon said in lorded to not end being killed... they are just a bunch of liars" I was more pissed, he wasn't wrong... it was true. "You are right, some are liars, like my parents...". "What are you talking about?" he asked. "Oh I moved with my cousin because my parents were going to 'travel' or that's what they said to me. They gave me the same excuse every day of my life, thy never had time to spend with me, their daughter..." he didn't said anything so I guess I could continue my story. "I guess living with my cousin is the best thing that ever happened to me, I felt like in a family again and then I discovered that a priestess was living in my body this whole time and now I'm the one traveling in the feudal era!" I chuckled remembering how all happened so fast.

"You don't miss your parents?" he asked me.

I stopped smiling...

"No... I think things are better this way"

"What about you? Do you miss your parents?" I asked him. "No... there's no difference at all, I was alone and I sill am" I giggled for that comment, he looked at me. "You have a brother Sesshomaru! And now you have a green partner and little girl! They are here because they care about you! If they didn't cared then they would have left long time ago..." I stood up and looked at him once again. "You should be grateful for it..." I left.

*She didn't noticed that's Sesshomaru was shocked about it -w-*

At night, Jaken and Rin were asleep, Sesshomaru was still on the same place so talked to him while I, well it was complicated trying to sleep with the worry of where my friends were, I wonder where they are... I turned my head to look at the sky, and there was smoke... Where is the smoke coming from?. I stood up and climbed one of the trees, I saw a temple burning. It looked dangerous but I couldn't let go the feeling that something happened... something that involved my friends...

No doubt that I had to run to the temple, and that's what I did... but not before taking a quick look on Sesshomaru. "I'm sorry Sesshomaru..." and then, I left, and ran as fast I could to reach the temple.

When I arrived, the whole place was on fire, I tried to find anybody that was trapped... luckily, I could hear Inuyasha's voice. I followed his voice until I saw Inuyasha who seemed shocked, and Shippo was crying next to our still unconscious friends and my cousin. "INUYASHA!!" I called him. He looked at me still in shock. "Natsuki! You are ok!" he said. "Yes I am! What happened?! We need to get out of here! Haven't they waken up yet?!" I said. Inuyasha seemed mad. "What's wrong?!" I asked. "Natsuki... none of them..." Shippo said between sobs. "NONE OF THEM IS BREATHING!!!" Shipping yelled.

Did.. he.. just... said?...

They stopped breathing...

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