Reincarnation Of A Powerful Soul Part 2

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Natsuki's POV

I woke up in some kind of palace and there was no sight of Inuyasha and the others. I tried to find a way to get out, but in my way I found another cave, this time there was a frog that had people trapped in bubbles, I couldn't save them by myself and I couldn't risk Kazuko in a fight, that monster was too strong, so my only option was to wait for my friends I guess...

"Kazuko do you even know why they kidnapped us?" I asked to my half demon friend.

She shook her head. "No idea, they haven't see you so they came for me, but why?" she wondered.

"Don't worry, your white haired boyfriend will come to rescue us" I smiled.

Kazuko blushed. "H-He's not my boyfriend!"

Sure he's not.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around. It was Izumo.

"Izumo!!" I called him, but realized something, why wasn't he in one of those bubbles like the others?

"Excuse me miss but who are you?"

Oh of course, he doesn't know me.

"I'm Natsuki, you don't know because you met my other half" he looked at me confused.

"Now that you mention it, you quite look like the half demon priestess, Midoriko's reincarnation" he analyzed me from bottom to top.

"We are two souls sharing a body" he raised an eyebrow.

"So she possesses the body of a human"

Possessing is not the word I would use.

"Anyways, what are you doing here? How can you not be in one of those bubbles I saw?"

"They ordered me to share information about the pearl but also continue with my investigation for them. They threatened to kill me"

"Well I don't understand what they want from me, well Kazuko and I?"

Izumo shook his head meaning "I don't know."

Inuyasha's POV

As I continued running, the less I could smell Kazuko nor the minotaur.

Kazuko where are you?!?! Why does this always happens to you??? Why am I not able to protect you?!?!?! I'm suppose to be protecting you but I fail!!!!

Some tears start falling from my eyes.

No... I can't let myself be defeated by this. I'm going to rescue both of them, Kazuko and Natsuki.

Nothing will stop me...

Natsuki's POV

I was walking through the palace trying to find something to use as a weapon. When I got into one of the rooms, I found Izumo sitting and looking at the wall.


I called him. He started talking, but he was saying random things, like if he was possessed.

I walked closer and touched his shoulder and he suddenly collapsed, it was a corpse...

I screamed in horror. I was shocked and petrified.

"Miss Natsuki!!!" that was Izumo's voice again, there's no way I was staying here, I prefer going outside to check if Izumo was alive and not my imagination.

Outside, I found Izumo, thank god, looking at the birds waiting for them to touch his hand, but they just flew away.

"It's going to be dark soon" I said as I looked at the sky turning from an orange to a darker color.

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