Mystery Solved

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"N-Natsuki..." she muttered in shock. "K-Kagome..." she muttered back. Natsuki, too shocked to see her cousin, her face never changed, not even after Miss Kaede removed the ropes from her. "You know her Kagome? Shippo asked innocently. "She's my cousin Shippo..." she answered. "Your cousin?" Miroku asked interested, he step closer to her. "Would you like to have a child with me?" he asked grabbing her hand, Natsuki was surprised and blushing but Sango slapped him jealously like Kagome did the same thing. Kagome, Natsuki, Miss Kaede, Miroku, Sango and Shippo went to Miss Kaede's house to explain everything to Natsuki, when they arrived, they sat calmly on the floor to start the conversation.

"Do you have a question, young girl?" Miss Kaede asked. "Well, actually I have a lot Miss but first, what is this place? Who are you? And more important, how you know this place Kagome?" she pointed out in a fast tone because she was freaked out. "Ummm... it's a long story dear cousin..." she sweat-dropped. "I have a lot of time, besides, I do deserve an explanation...". "Ok this place is the feudal era, 500 years before the world we know, and...." she stopped talking. "And what?" Natsuki asked. " And this place is a world full of monsters and demons that have the goals of kill everybody... and possess the Shikon Jewel..." Natsuki's eyes widened for the word. "Wait! You said Shikon Jewel?". "Yeah why?" Natsuki started to feel nervous. "I dreamed about that last night, I got lack of sleep because of that" Everybody frozen. "You dreamed about it?!?!? Why you didn't told me?!?!?" she demanded. "HOW COULD I KNOW THAT MY COUSIN TRAVELS TO THE FEUDAL ERA THEOUGH AN OLD WELL NEXT TO OUT HOUSE TO FIND A THING CALLED SHIKON JEWEL?!?!?!? she yelled back. "Please relax Miss Natsuki, we just want you to know what's happening..." Miss Kaede said. "Kagome ended here like you Natsuki, she fell on the well and appeared here, that's how she met-..." Shippo was cut by someone getting on the house, a guy with white and long hair, orange eyes, dog ears and claws and wearing a red yukata and no shoes. "Ah! Inuyasha, glad you came!" Kagome smiled. "Sorry for being late, Totosai was making jokes again..."

Inuyasha's and Natsuki's eyes crossed, and then both reacted in shock. "Hey!! You are that guy that appeared in my dream too!!" Natsuki pointed to him. "Huh? And who are you?!?" he demanded. "Her name is Natsuki, she's my cousin Inuyasha..." Kagome said. "Your cousin? That girl that I saw last night?!?!?" Natsuki could finally know who was that person. "Wait!!! YOU WERE WATCHING HER DURING NIGHT INUYASHA?!?!?! I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE NOT TO SPY!!! AND LESS SPYING MY COUSIN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!!!" Kagome yelled at him, he backed away while Natsuki was calm like if it didn't bothered her. "So it wasn't my imagination, you were really there..." Natsuki said without stop starring at him. "Ah yeah, I just wanted to know who you were but Kagome didn't let me so I did it by myself" he rubbed his head. "Oh don't worry, its ok" she smiled.

"Continuing with our talk, Kagome met Inuyasha in a large tree that is on the deepest of the forest sleeping 'cause his soul was sealed by a sacred arrow..." Miroku said. "An arrow?" Natsuki asked confused.

Then, she remembered the woman of her dream.

" Was that person that sealed your soul... Kikyo?" she asked, again, everybody in shock. All started to ask her a bunch of questions, she tried to answer each one but a noise was heard outside of the house. Everybody went outside to see what it was and it was a monster, Natsuki never seeing one before tried to hold her fear, she turned to Kagome and the others and saw how he cousin was preparing a bow and arrows, Sango with her boomerang, Miroku with his hand, "strange" she thought, and Inuyasha took out a sword that looked old but when he swings it, the sword transforms into a fantastic and big new weapon. Miss Kaede, Shippo and Natsuki back off and watched start the fight between them.

"Do they always deal with this Miss Kaede?" Natsuki asked. "Yes, they do it to know if they have fragments of the Shikon Jewel...". "Fragments of the Shikon Jewel?" she made an eyebrow looking at the old woman, she was getting confused more and more. "The first time that Kagome came here, a demon stole the Shikon Jewel, Kagome used her bow and an arrow to kill it but accidentally, she broke the Shikon in a lot of fragments, making Inuyasha and her, travel to find each one". "I see..." her gaze turned back to he fight while thinking in the words that Kaede told her. "So Kagome is responsible for why she is doing this, and that's how probably the monk and the girl with boomerang met them, they work together to find them...".

While Natsuki was on her thoughts, she didn't realized that Inuyasha and the rest were loosing the battle, the monster was too strong for them, Miroku and Sango were unconscious and Inuyasha was trapped in the mouth of the monster but Kagome, was the next one to get hurt. Natsuki acted without thinking and ran to protect her from the monster's claws, and the monster didn't care about it, he still was going to kill both, he swing his hand and tried to hurt Natsuki... "NATSUKI NO!!!!!" Kagome cried.

Something happened!! The monster didn't hurt her, instead, she was shining without no clue of how. Suddenly, Natsuki started to change, her hair was turning grey, her eyes turned yellow, her clothes transformed into a priestess dress, wig a black and blue armor on her shoulders and arms, and her human ears disappeared showing now wolf ears, claws and a big and fluffy wolf tail, Natsuki transformed into a demon...

"W-What is this? My ears... they're gone, claws and... a tail?!?!?". "N-N-Natsuki... h-how-..." Kagome was surprised like Kagome, not only her, everybody was, including the monster XD. "How she could transform into a demon?!?!" Inuyasha yelled. "I-I don't know... Huh?!?". Natsuki felt something on her chest beating harder and harder making her fall on her knees, she felt pain at first, when it stopped, she got up... grinning showing her fangs. The monster attacked her but she stopped it using her claws, she cut one of the eyes of the monster. "What's wrong you piece of trash? Can't hold a little cut?" she smiled. "What's wrong with Natsuki? Her face totally changed, it's like if she's someone else..." Kagome thought.

It was just Natsuki and the monster on the battlefield. The monster prepared himself to attack again and Natsuki was just standing there doing nothing, the monster attacked using his mouth to bite her but Natsuki reacted and showed a sword inn, she grabbed it, and showed a sword that shines and disappears each second. "What's that?! Are you playing 'cause you are too scared to be killed?" the monster joked. "No, actually, I'm really disappointed that this battle is over..." she said.

The monster angrily ran using everything he had but Natsuki only attacked it with the sword.

The monster was almost dead on the floor bleeding everywhere

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The monster was almost dead on the floor bleeding everywhere. "Wait!! I know that technique, I saw it somewhere long time ago..." Inuyasha thought surprised. "She attacked it with a powerful sword..." Kagome thought. "What kind of power she have?" Miroku asked trying to stand up. Natsuki walked to the monster with her hands covered with blood and an evil smile on her face, the monster looks scared of her trying to back off, but it was impossible.. "P-Please don't kill me!!! I swear I will not kill ever again!!!" he begged, she grinned. "You should thought about it twice before attacking the village...". "W-Who are you?..." he asked as his last words. "The name is... Kazuko" she make another attack with her sword destroying the monster completely. Everybody looked at her without believing how powerful she was, she turned around to see them but her sight landed on Inuyasha.

"Good to see you again Inuyasha..." she said.


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"We will meet again in other moment... for now, I'm leaving..."

She fell on the ground unconscious turning back to Natsuki.

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