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Natsuki's POV

When I opened my eyes, I noticed Sesshomaru... I blushed for embarrassment, Kazuko just changed places to make talk to him... I admitt he is kinda handsome but I'm too nervous!!. "Ah h-hey!" I waved nervously. "My name is Natsuki Shijo! Nice to meet you Sesshomaru!" I continued. "So you are the real owner of that body...". "Eh? I think so...". He grinned which make my cheeks turn red even more, he started to walk and said "Come with me" and like he said, I followed him.

We were walking like for 10 minutes not talking to each other, I was still nervous and a little uncomfortable, of course I knew Sesshomaru never talked but this was too much. Suddenly I got distracted by a monster who tried to attack me from behind, I pushed Sesshomaru away and felt how the monster ripped my jacket. Sesshomaru was too strong to let himself stop by the push of some random human girl so he protected me with his sword destroying the monster. He turned around to me and he saw the scar on my back. "Why do you have that scar?" he asked. "My cousin was in danger and I had to protect her..." I said trying to cover it. Sesshomaru kneels down and I felt his hand touching my scar... Oh... my... god... "This shouldn't have happened to you..." he said.

Omg! He is worried about me?!. "Let's go back" he got up and showed his hand to me, I grabbed it and got up and walked with him (nothing to worry she's not naked on the top :v, she had a shirt)

"MISTER JAKEN!!! I'M SO HUNGRY!!!" Rin yelled in desperation. "AND WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?!?! I DON'T HAVE ANY FOOD!" he yelled back. They noticed us coming and looked at me confused. "Mister Sesshomaru, who is she?".

Oh yeah! I forgot they don't know... I kneel down in front of Rin and said "My name is Natsuki, I'm Kazuko's other half, nice to meet you!" she smiled. "Are you hungry? Do you want me to get some food?" she nodded happily. "Want to come with me?" I asked her, she nodded again. "Don't worry Sesshomaru, I will take good care of her". "Let's go Miss Natsuki!!" she pulled my hand back to the forest.

Few minutes later, Rin and I founded a lot of fruits. "I think this with some fresh fishes from the river will be a delicious dinner, let's go with the others" I said to Rin, she nodded. I just needed to grab one more fruit before leaving when I heard Rin scream. "Rin what's wrong?!?" I looked at her and saw an insect demon going to attack Rin, she didn't moved so I ran to her. I hold her on my arms and fell on the floor before he could touch her. "We have to go now!!!" I started to ran as fast I could with Rin in my arms but it was impossible her I'm lost because it was too fast. "Rin... close your eyes!!" I told her. "Why?!?" I throw her up in the air and attacked the demon with Kazuko's claws (she already turned into Kazuko when she threw Rin to the sky).

Kazuko's POV

The demon was destroyed and now I felt Rin fall in my arms with a surprised look. "Miss Kazuko?!?... MISS KAZUKO YOU ARE MY HERO!!!" she hugged me and I blushed. Just a few seconds passed when I saw Sesshomaru walking to us. "Mister Sesshomaru!!" Rin said. "Rin... what happened?" he asked. "A demon tried to kill me but Miss Kazuko or it was Miss Natsuki? Ahhh this is confusing!! Anyway, both saved me!!" she smiled and hugged me again.

Natsuki's POV

Sesshomaru seemed quite. Is he mad at me for risking Rin's life?. "Let's go..." he turned around and walked with Rin following him. I sighed, well at least he didn't yelled at me now. I grabbed the fruits as fast I could before I could lost track of Sesshomaru.

When we arrive with Jacken, Rin and Jacken tried to catch some fishes while I was cutting the fruit. Jaken and Rin caught six fishes, I put them on the fire with the fruit and waited until they were ready.

Minutes later...

Finally we could eat, Rin and Jacken were the first ones to took the first bite, when they did it, I saw they eyes illuminating. "Does it taste bad?" I asked. "Miss Natsuki this taste delicious! Where did you learned how to cook like this?" Rin asked, Jaken was eating everything without stopping like A-Un. "At home, when my parents were working" I said eating the fish. "Miss Natsuki why you are not with your parents?" she asked curiously. I stopped eating for a second and answered "They are working all the time so now I'm leaving with my aunt, my grandpa and my cousins". I then noticed that Sesshomaru wasn't eating. "Sesshomaru... are you not going to eat?" no answer. "Lord Sesshomaru never eats". "Never?". "Never!!" I looked at Sesshomaru once again. "Well that is going to change 'cause if he doesn't eat then how can he be so strong?" I said, I got up and grabbed some fish and fruit and walked to him.

"In home, this is how you convince people to eat their food!" I grabbed a piece of fruit and showed to Sesshomaru. "Sesshomaru~ say ahh!' I said smiling. I think his cheeks turned pink when I said that, I don't blame him... it is embarrassing...

I waited like for 3 minutes and he didn't do anything, I looked at Jacken "I told you!" I sighed and turned my head again to see him but surprisingly, he opened his mouth waiting for me to gave him the fruit. I blushed madly and did it, Rin and Jaken looked at us really surprised which makes me blush even more. "O-Ok I hope you guys love it hehehe, I'm going to take a walk" I nervously walked quickly away from there.

Still walking in the woods, someone called my name "Natsuki!! My love!!" Koga appeared running to me and grabbed my hands. "Dear Natsuki!!! What are you doing here?!?!? And how is your injury?!?! Why that beast left you here all alone?!?!?" he said... oh crap! if I tell him why I'm here, he is going to find Inuyasha and fight him.... or worse... Koga would tell him where am I. "Koga I'm ok, my injury is just a simple scar!!" I said. "But he left you!!" there's no choice... I can't tell him anything, I can't... "Koga... I can't let them find me... I am the one who abandoned them" he looks surprised at the moment but he changed his expression in a confuse one. "Why? You could risk your life walking here alone!". "I can't tell you...". "Why not?". "I just... can't...". Koga didn't insisted anymore but then, he said "You don't trust me?...".

"It's nothing about that!... But... this is for your own safety". "What do you mean?" I sighed and walked away going back to where Sesshomaru was, but he stopped me.

"Let go Koga... please" I said not looking at him. "Why you don't want to tell me, Natsuki?!" he started to insist again. "Koga please understand!!... I can't tell you, Inuyasha doesn't even know why I left..." I pulled my arm away and said "But I want you to keep something...". "W-What is it?" I touched one of his cheeks. "Please keep our encounter as a secret!!". "A secret?" I nodded. "Please Koga!! Don't tell anybody that you saw me! I beg you!" he didn't reacted at the moment 'cause he was so confused about why I was acting like that, that he only nodded in agreement. "You have to go now... your friends had to be waiting for you" he nodded. "Are you sure you are going to be okay?" I nodded again. "Don't worry about me... Kazuko is with me remember? Just go" he made a small smile and waved at me while running away.

I sighed for exhaustion, it's so difficult persuade a freaking wolf... "Well better go back with Sesshomaru, they must be worried about me... " I started to walk.

Ten minutes passed and it was dark already, and I still couldn't find the way back. "Ahhhhh crap!! I'm lost!!" I continued walking and walking and walking...  and I only saw trees and bushes. "Sesshomaru is going to kill me for this..." I rubbed my forehead and jumped to a tree to rest. "What is Inuyasha doing right now? Is he still hurt for what we did to him?" I asked Kazuko trying to talk to her now that we have some time to be alone. "I don't know... probably forgetting me" she said. "Why are you saying that?! Inuyasha will never forget you!" I said. "Did you forget already what happened with Kikyo?" she said.

Oh my... I completely forgot that... the moment where Kikyo and Inuyasha were hugging each other.

"I think in that moment, he completely forgot me". "Well... we just don't know exactly what happened 'cause we didn't talked to him since we were back". "What about your cousin?... Do you still remember?". "... Yeah... we find out her feelings for Inuyasha"  Kazuko nodded. "There's two persons in his life... which means... there's no space for me..." she didn't talked anymore, she was still hurt for what happened with Kikyo and my cousin... I feel so bad... What I'm going to do?

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