Juromaru And Kaigeromaru

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Inuyasha and the group continued their way to Naraku's palace when Natsuki's/Kazuko's lover appeared. "Koga!" Natsuki said. "I could sense Naraku's scent and wanted to say hi to you, how have you been Natsuki?" he asked walking to her but Inuyasha like always being jealous stepped between them to block any physical contact.

"What do you want now, rabid wolf?" Inuyasha demanded while protecting Natsuki. "Inuyasha do not start a fight!" Kagome said getting closer to them. "Shut up! If you touch her I'll kill you" he said. "It seems that you never change beast" Koga responded. "Natsuki, don't you get tired of THIS thing?" he continued rubbing his head with an "I don't care" face.

"WHAT?!?!?" Inuyasha ready to take his sword out but Shippo interrupted him. "Stop it Koga! Inuyasha acts like that because he's afraid of you taking Natsuki away from him, if you think you can do it, you are wrong!!" he only received a punch on the head from Inuyasha who looks pretty annoyed from his comment and Natsuki only laughed awkwardly.

"You want to know where is Naraku's palace?!?!" Inuyasha said. "You don't know?" he asked. "Naraku made an energy field around his palace but don't worry, we can take revenge of your friends for you" he grabbed his sword, ready to take it out.

"But first... you have to give us the two fragments you have in both legs!!! And return to your stinky cave!!!". He swing it but Koga dodged it. "What's wrong Inuyasha? Usually you move your sword a little more faster" he said laughing. "He still can't move his sword more freely..." Natsuki thought.

"Hey come back!!!" he yelled "I don't have time to play with you animal" Koga started to run. "Oh and one more thing, take care of Natsuki until I come back!!" his last words before he completely disappeared. "Hey Inuyasha you shouldn't be so grumpy..." Kagome said and Inuyasha turned to her "Since when I started to be?!?!?!" he said angrily, Kagome just sighed saying "Huhh this is tired" and walked away.

After a while, Kazuko's nose captured something. "Natsuki! I can smell Naraku's sense!!" she said to her. "Ehh?!?!" she reacted.

"It's Naraku!!!" Inuyasha started to run. Natsuki nodded and transformed into her demonic friend and ran following him, of course being followed by the others too. "Hey guys remember that you are not alone!!" Miroku said running on the back with Kirara, Sango, Kagome and Shippo.

Inuyasha noticed Koga running in front of him. "What the hell are you doing Koga?!?!?" he said. "Don't bother me, I'm busy!!" he answered upset, Inuyasha reacted with confusion.

A guy with I don't know long light purple hair? his clothes were blueish and greenish? and with something that was shining in his mouth was running after Koga. He attacked Inuyasha but he dodged it. "Koga you were escaping!!" he said but Koga didn't listened 'cause he was already gone.

Naraku appeared from the darkness next to the weirdo. "Naraku!!" Inuyasha screamed. "Koga preferred to run because he thought it was impossible deal with him, how intelligent...". "Yurumaru... I will take your chains off, fight with Inuyasha and Kazuko with all your strength" he continued. He took off the chains from him, but Yurumaru cut his head, all got surprised for his sudden act. "What the- he cut his head!!" Miroku said. Naraku's head started to laugh, ew...

"I leave Yurumaru deal with you..." and then, his head was gone...

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