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Natsuki's POV

"Aaahhhhh!!!! School is so booorrriiinnnggggg!!!!" I yawned while walking all the way home from school. "You are right Natsuki, but we have been absent for a lot of time, we needed to come back for the missing lessons" Kagome said. "Why? I already studied by myself when were are the feudal era" I replied. "YOU DID?!?!?" she hold my shoulders and shake me a lot of times asking me how could I do it without all the things that happened. "I'm starting to feel dizzyyyy" I said trying to make her listen my words even if my head was spinning around.

When we came back, Inuyasha was already there, playing with the cat on the living room. "Oh hi Inuyasha! Didn't expect you to be here so early" I smiled. "Hi Natsuki, and about that, since you already stayed for a few days, I thought it would be better if we leave already" Kagome looked at him frustrated. "Right now?" she asked. He nodded. "You are not staying for dinner?" my aunt asked. "Don't worry, we will eat with the others" however, my aunt showed a package of steak and that changed Inuyasha's mind of leaving to eat with us and sleep in our house.

Next day, my cousin, Inuyasha and I left the house and headed to the temple. Outside of the well, I saw Miroku, Sango and Shippo sitting there saying that it was a bad idea for us to come back. "Did something happened?" I asked. "Actually, something is going to happen" Miroku corrected me. "Cats" Shippo said. "Yes! The cats did this" Haachi said. "Cats?" I asked.

"The family of the cats!!" Haachi repeated again. "Yes, and as I remember, there was a story about them fifty years ago" he continued. "Well I don't know who they are" Inuyasha said annoyed. "Well Inuyasha you were unconscious that time by Kikyo's arrow" Miroku said. "And Kazuko disappeared from this world" I added.

Haachi tried to give us as much detail as we talked but he couldn't say a lot of them since he escaped. "That's true" someone said. "Cats!!!" Shippo yelled. "Yeah yeah you shouldn't repeated all the time" this someone said. When I turned around, I saw a woman, red hair and yellow clothes with a cat tail and claws. "Who are you and what do you want?!?!" Inuyasha demanded. "We didn't come for you, we are looking for that priestess that posses the Shikon fragments" she pointed at my cousin. "If that's what you came from then you are going to fight me first!!" Inuyasha yelled. A half demon. "A half demon". "So you are Inuyasha" she looked at him. Inuyasha seemed tense about it. "Do you know them?" Miroku asked. Inuyasha denied. "No chance, you are Inuyasha, Sesshomaru's little brother" Inuyasha chuckled. "Well I don't consider him like my real brother". "I'll deal with him, Shura, you go with the monk and the exterminator" he nodded.

Since there was going to be a fight between them, my job now was to protect Kagome, but I couldn't transform until it was necessary. While I looked at them, I could feel someone behind us and I attacked it with my hand, revealing claws.

Kazuko's POV

"Not so fast kitty" I smiled. She seemed surprised for how I could figure out she was behind us. "Y-You are... you disappeared..." I grinned. "Not at all kitty. I won't let you take her" I said. "Very well..." she grinned evily. I chuckled again. I showed my claws again and ran to attack. "She was supposed to be dead fifty years ago!!!!" the red haired cat girl yelled. "And she has more power than the other one!" the male one said. "Then... let's take her instead of the other one and don't forget the Shikon fragments" she grinned. "Shunra get her!!!!" she yelled. The girl I was fighting with tried to use her flower spell on me, but I wasn't going to let myself fall in her trap. "I already know that trick, nasty cat!!!" I yelled on the air from the million times I was jumping. "But not this one!!!" when I looked over me, I saw the male one. A sudden pain on my back, he just hit me with his elbow, and I fell on the floor. "And I'll take this too" the red girl grabbed Kagome and took her fragments, then pushed her away to the floor. "C-Crap!" I said trying to hold the pain while getting up. "Why you don't go to sleep little puppy?" the girl did her flower spell and I couldn't do anything, the impact caused me a lot of pain, I couldn't remember anything else after that...

Inuyasha's POV

"I got her!!" the guy said while carrying Kazuko. "And this!" the red haired girl said with our fragments on her hand. "LET HER GO!!!! AND GIVE THOSE BACK!!!!" I yelled and ran to them, but they used their weirdo powers to disappear without any sight. "KAZUKO!!!!!!" no answer. She was gone and I couldn't save her...

"KAZUKO!!!!!" I yelled again but again, no answer... Kazuko... I promise... I'm going to rescue you from those cats!!!!.

Natsuki's POV

When I woke up, I was facing the ground and something was holding me from the waist, what could it be?. Then every memory of how I ended here flashed in my head. "HEY LET ME GO!!!!" I yelled trying to free myself from his strong arms. "Wow, this girl changed back into the human we saw" the red haired girl said in a kinda surprised, but not showing it, position.

"And who is this girl?" someone asked. I looked at the front and I saw a woman with blue hair, I think wearing a blue kimono with an armor. "Sister, this girl is the priestess Kazuko" red haired said. "Kazuko? The half demon priestess that disappeared fifty years ago? Guys, she's a human" she explained. "The soul of Kazuko lives in the body of this human! We decided to bring her instead of the other girl, as I can remember, Kazuko was stronger than any other priestess, including Kikyo" this seemed to impressed the blue girl. Damn it, this isn't gonna be good. "I want to know, why are you looking for Inuyasha????" I demanded but it was hard to breathe with this guy holding me so hard.

The girl that used her spell looked at me. "We want to kill him" I froze. K-Kill him? Who the he'll are these guys?!". "What about you sister? How did it go?" they asked to the same blue woman. "Well I'm pretty sure this guy will come..." she smiled. "These cats are crazy..." I thought.

"NATSUKI!!!!" I heard someone calling my name. When I looked up, I saw Koga and his friends. Thank god he is here. "KOGA!!!" I yelled but smiled. He grinned. "Don't worry, I'll rescue you". "As I can remember, no one called a wolf!!!" one of them yelled. "Oh c'mon! Didn't you noticed that Kazuko is half wolf? Are you blind? Of course you called for one, well... you actually kidnapped her" I sighed annoyed. The same red haired girl used her fire powers to distract Koga and make us disappear. Really are cats this coward all the time? Damn it...

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